Alejandra León

3 idiots and 11 life lessons

Yesterday, from the comfort of my couch in Madrid, I stumbled upon an intriguing movie suggestion: "The Three Idiots". Although the title did not arouse great enthusiasm, I decided to give it a chance on that quiet Sunday evening, after a long walk, and with a craving for film and popcorn. Initially I thought, "I'm going to watch this 'dumb' movie to relax." However, it turned out to be quite the opposite. "The Three Idiots" triggered an emotional whirlwind in me and left me with valuable life lessons throughout its captivating story. I invite you to watch it and absorb those lessons that resonate most with you at this vital moment.

Learn for the simple joy of learning. Knowledge itself is a gift that enriches us; you don't need an ulterior motive to acquire wisdom.

Stay true to your values and principles, even when it seems like you are missing out on great opportunities. Integrity and authenticity are fundamental to living a meaningful life.

Don't chase success alone; find and work on what you are passionate about and, from there, pursue excellence. When you dedicate yourself to what you love, success comes as a natural consequence. Allow yourself to dedicate yourself to what you love; it is your life and you have the freedom to choose how to live it. Don't settle for less than what makes you happy.

Question the system, but do it constructively. Don't rebel just for the sake of it, but question from a grounded position, looking for solutions and reflecting on how you can contribute to improve it.

Give space to your creativity, even if you were limited in your childhood. Free your wings and let your imagination fly high.

True friends are those who accompany you, share, have fun with you and help you grow. They are also those who confront you when necessary, pushing you towards personal growth.

Trust in yourself, in what you are and in your capabilities. You have within you everything you need to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Let go of fear, as it is the biggest obstacle to your progress, learning, maturity and development towards your best version. Let courage and confidence guide your steps.

Do not assume. Behind every situation, rigidity, demand, fear or chaos, there is an accompanying story, a lived experience that has shaped us in a certain way. Be understanding and seek to understand before you judge.

And finally, be happy. Life is lived in the present, so let's seize each day as an opportunity to be happy.

Now I ask you: Which of these teachings have impacted you the most? Are you following your heart and your passion, or are you betraying your own essence?

If you would like to explore more about these lessons and how to apply them in your life, feel free to contact me to begin your own journey of growth and transformation!

Dare to live fully and follow your heart's calling! 💖🚀

If you wish to explore more about Holistic Numerology, energy healing, Intuitive Message - Psychic Mediumship. I invite you to visit the following links that will provide valuable information.

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