Alejandra León

40 days _ Significance of quarantine

The number 40, symbolically, represents the "change", from one period to another, the years from one generation to another. In the Christian tradition there are numerous references to this number: In fact, in the very ancient Mosaic Law (or Moses), on which many other modern religions are later based, there are continuous references to 40: the years in which Moses lived as a shepherd in Midian; the days in which, also Moses, remained on Mount Sinai before coming down (according to the Holy Scriptures) with the tablets of the Ten Commandments; the years to which the Hebrews were punished to wander in the desert; or the days (and nights) that Jesus spent fasting in the desert and lived the episode in which he was tempted by the devil (to cite a few examples).

This religious devotion to the number forty is also responsible for the length of the time of Lent (the period between the end of Carnival and the beginning of Holy Week).

But also the time of quarantine for a woman after childbirth comes directly from religious reasons and was inherited from the Mosaic Law.

The fact of coining the term quarantine for that period of time (from the word 'Quaranta giorni' -forty days-) comes from the Middle Ages, when several epidemic outbreaks (such as the 'plague') appeared and the doctors of the time had to decide to isolate those affected to prevent the rest of the population from becoming infected (it was very common to make ships and passengers arriving from long transoceanic voyages undergo this quarantine).

In the branch of Qi Gong medicine (in Spanish s Chi Kung) on numerous occasions the patient is isolated from his usual environment (family, friends, cell phone, work, news of his closest circle, etc.) for at least 40 days to create the right conditions and that he can recover the balance of energies that will favor his healing.

And you will say, why does Alejandra León speak today of quarantine, of 40 days?

Lent is the time of transformation. Although it is a time marked in the Roman calendar, this time has a special energy that we can take advantage of to make changes and transformations in our lives.

The liturgical color of this time is purple, a color directly linked to transmutation, which means mourning (It is a time of reflection, penance, spiritual conversion; a time of preparation for rebirth).

In this time. The universe, (The universe / God / your higher self) invites us to change our life. Listening to our inner self, our needs, meditating, sharing with the people around you and creating peace and well-being in your space. It invites us to live generating a series of transformations of the body that stagnates us, blocks us, paralyzes us.

For this reason, Lent is the time of forgiveness and fraternal reconciliation. Every day, throughout our lives, we are storing sorrow, discomfort, pain, hatred, resentment, envy, jealousy, etc. and that we are lodging in the physical and emotional body, creating an important imbalance. Why do you continue to harbor these emotions in your being?

40 days 40 days 40 days 40 days 40 days 40 days **40 days

40 quarantine

In the Bible, the number four symbolizes the material universe, followed by zeros signifies the time of our life on earth, followed by trials and difficulties.

What does the number 40 mean in numerology?

The meaning of the number 40 in numerology is planning and decision making. These aspects relate to any task or aspect of our lives. It is the number that represents the positive completion of important longings and projects that have been in development for a long time.

The meaning of this number augurs well for the future, both for the person and for his or her ideas and plans.

Its root, the 4, indicates that one has a lot of discipline and the ability to work very hard, as well as for the organization of work teams. On the other hand, the 0 provides the necessary stability to make decisions thinking of everyone, so that the achievements are greater. The number 40 is called "The presentiment".

Meaning of 40 with the Guides and Guardian Angels.

The number 40 is composed of the attributes of the number 4 and the number 0. The number 4 resonates with the vibrations of system and order, hard work and determination, building solid foundations, achieving success and honesty and integrity.

The number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life and relates to the energies of the Archangels. The number 0 carries the energies of eternity and infinity, integrity, continuous cycles and flow, and the starting point.

The number 0 signifies potential and/or choice, and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher self, as this is where you will find all your answers.

40 is a message from the angels to keep up the great work you have been doing. The hard work you have been working on, lifetime after lifetime, has brought you to where you are today; living and serving your divine purpose of life and soul mission with passion, confidence and enthusiasm. You are surrounded and loved by the angels, archangels and ascended Masters and they are sending you positive energies and helping you along your path.

The number 40 also refers to the number 4 (4+0-4) and angel number 4.

Inner desire with number 40

  • Connect with your being
  • Intensify listening and meditation
  • Look at your emotional pains, what are they and what do you want to do with them?
  • With whom do you need to reconcile?
  • Reconciliation and the Eucharist, as well as the practice of fasting, according to the possibilities of each one.
  • It is not so much a matter of creating extraordinary occasions, but rather, of knowing how to live in the present, here and now with this vision of transformation, transmutation, change (death and life). To accept with humility and compassion our failures, shortcomings, fears.

Messages evoked by the number 40

1. Get to know you

**When it's time to start over, the first step is to know yourself. Know what your desires are, what qualities you possess and what direction you want to take. The first step to change is self-reflection and self-knowledge.

2. Find a purpose in your life.

Self-knowledge is key to being able to find out what one's purpose in life isHaving a purpose in life is key because it keeps us motivated: it is the force that helps us to move and that vertebrates our day to day life. Now, change is not only about visualizing the purpose, but also about enjoying the journey while pursuing it.

3. Do it for you.

To do the above effectively you need to connect with yourself, which is why it is so helpful to know yourself thoroughly. Because many times we think that we want to change, but it is the opinion of others that influences us in such a way that we believe that what they impose on us is what we want. The goals to pursue must be genuine, otherwise it will be difficult to change.

Be open to change.

The previous point leads us to make the decision to change, and therefore, it is necessary to have a good dose of willingness. Being open to change means being willing to transform ourselves and to pursue goals through a certain amount of effort.

5. Plan the change.

Once we are clear about our desire to want to change and we know what we want to change, it is necessary to plan the change. If possible, even have it written down on paper, as it is easier to visualize and allows less effort to bring it to mind when we need it. It is necessary to set small sub-objectives and set a date for them.

6. But... set short term goals**.

It is not enough to only set long-term goals, but we need to take into account short-term goals as well, as this is the only way to stay motivated during the process of change and not to forget our commitment.

7. Accept uncertainty.

Leaving the comfort zone can provoke a certain degree of anxiety**, largely due to the fear of uncertainty. Not knowing what awaits us when we change can cause fear if we do not have enough self-confidence or if we visualize only the negative consequences of the transformation.

8. Be aware that there may be ups and downs.

**Accepting that we may fail is also positive. That doesn't mean that we should give up if things don't go our way, but that we should be prepared to overcome and get up as soon as possible after a fall.

9. Accept yourself as you are

Change is an individual process: it is you who says "I want to change my life", not someone else subject to a context very different from yours. This is why you should not compare yourself with others, but remain true to yourself and your desires and fight with all your strength.

10. Know how to filter what enters your being.

Nor should you pay attention to all the opinions of others, because some people tend to project their own fears onto you. If someone doesn't have the will to change, they probably don't believe you can change either.

11. It's the journey that counts, not the outcome.

To remain self-motivated during the change process, it is important to visualize the reward or positive consequences of achieving the change. However, it is important not to forget that the process of transformation is in itself a great reward.

12. Accept.

It is also important not to be too hard on yourself and accept that things may not go as you planned. Of course, you can rectify and learn from failures. **If you don't empathize with yourself, who will?

13. Reality Principle

The objectives and goals we set for ourselves must always be realistic, otherwise, we may find ourselves with false expectations that can get in the way of the process of change and lead to frustration, which is not only unpleasant but also takes away the desire to make an effort.

14. Work on your limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are those thoughts that do not allow us to change and that interfere in our growth.

15. Assume your responsibility

Taking responsibility means empowering oneself in the face of change. It is the ability to respond to the events that occur around us with sufficient capacity for self-leadership, which allows us to overcome adversity. You must be clear that you are the person responsible for your decisions.

16. Abandon victimhood

The opposite of taking responsibility for change is playing the victim. Mientras la responsabilidad es acción, el victimismo es paralizante.

17. Seek help.

Accept help from others if you believe that their willingness to lend a hand is genuine. If there is no one among your friends or family who can help you with certain things, you might consider seeking out a good psychologist, tear therapist,

18. Don't lose sight of the present.

Keeping your feet on the ground is vital to carry out the change process, that's why it's important to be in the here and now, connected with yourself. It is good to keep change in mind, but to achieve change you have to work daily and not forget where you are in your day-to-day life.

19. Take advantage of the path to learn.

When things don't go as you plan it is necessary to learn from the experience and get back on track, i.e., re-engage in change. Successful people are those who learn from failures and get up again and again after falling down.

20. Practice detachment.

Detachment, understood as emotional release, is key to the change process. This does not mean getting rid of the important people in our lives, but it helps us to view things from a much more realistic and less emotional perspective.

If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, we invite you to explore our course "Grieving: How to Overcome the Loss of a Loved One ". You will learn practical and enriching tools from a holistic perspective to cope with and heal grief, find emotional balance and transform loss into wisdom.

Dreamcatcher Oracle