Alejandra León

9 positive things we can take advantage of in the midst of coronaviruses

We are in one of those moments that seems like a futuristic movie of those I used to see in the 90's, it is a scenario of uncertainty and fear; so today Friday, taking advantage of the fact that I start my full time tele-work processes, I want to spread a bit of positivity in the face of so many negative messages and hoaxes on social networks with the Coronavirus in Spain and in the world.

You will say to me, **but what is positive about this? yes, even in difficult situations you can get something good out of it. What some would say put the focus on the glass half full, a good emotional protection for the coronavirus. And for this I share between the lines a text of the Italian psychologist Francesca Morelli that I received a few days ago.

Unprecedented reduction of CO2 emissions**.

Climate change is a fact that is reaching worrying levels, causing natural disasters and other situations that endanger the planet we inhabit. The coronavirus has forced countries to close, has collapsed the economy, but pollution has dropped considerably, making the quality of the air we breathe better.

  1. Efforts to reconcile family and work.

This situation has resulted in a somewhat forced advance for many in thinking about teleworking techniques for the progression of new systems of family and work conciliation that are being experimented now and that can serve for the future. Working from home can be effective and even pleasant, if we create the right environment. Above all, it leads us to think about new work models. Someone this week was telling me how modern online sessions are, I laughed, I have been doing online sessions of accompaniment in therapeutic Holistic therapy for more than 5 years :)

  1. Take the opportunity to re-establish family ties.

As the psychologist F. Morelli perfectly expresses, _"in an era in which the upbringing of children, for major reasons, is often delegated to other figures and institutions, the Coronavirus forces us to close schools and forces us to look for alternative solutions, to put mom and dad back together with the children. This sounds a bit old-fashioned if we read it literally, but it is about reconnecting with your loved ones, sharing, creating. Yes, even if the first thing you say is "I'm going to go crazy with my kid all day at home". I'm sure you will find resources and a lot of creativity to make this time a better time for you and your loved ones.

And how about taking advantage of this time to rebuild your history, dig into your family tree, reconcile and reconcile. Healing open emotional wounds: duels old conflicts with children, parents, siblings or other relatives.

4. New healthier eating habits

Just in case the message that a more natural and balanced diet is crucial hadn't gotten through, this virus comes along to tell us how important it is to eat foods like fruits and vegetables to boost our immune system, as well as to start shopping at the local market (since the big box stores seem to be out of everything in one day). Yes, go back to shopping at the corner store, at the neighborhood greengrocer, accessing what is closest to me. And what about eating at home again, preparing your food, taking care of your well-being.

5. Time to nourish body and spirit

It is a good time to also introduce new practices at home (yoga, stretching (in my case I do tae bo), everyone with what suits them best, You know that on the net there are many classes open. And of course, take advantage of this time to nourish our mind and emotions. Balance our energetic body, learn new things, do that course that you had parked so long ago.

Here are my two courses of the Holistic School of Alejandra León:

Remember that in my channel you have some meditations, exercises and a lot of material that you can take advantage of at this time. A good emotional protection in times of coronavirus.

After all, the well-being and balance of mind - body and spirit go hand in hand, one cannot be well without the other.

6. Increased social awareness

Returning again to Morelli's wise speech, "in a social phase in which thinking of oneself has become the norm, this virus sends us a clear message: the only way out of this is to think collectively, to revive in us the feeling of helping others, of belonging to a collective, of being part of something greater for which we are responsible and that this in turn is responsible for us. Co-responsibility: to feel that the fate of those around you depends on your actions, and that you depend on them".

L_o we saw this week on the web: Faced with this crisis, solidarity situations have arisen that show that human beings are good and empathetic. Faced with school closures and the impossibility of taking our children to their grandparents (let's not forget that they are a risk group), many university students have hung posters to offer themselves as caregivers for the little ones, while their parents work.

"In a dimension in which interpersonal relationships, communication and socialization take place in the virtual space of social networks, giving us the false illusion of closeness, this virus takes away the true closeness, the real one: that no one touches, kisses, hugs, everything must be done at a distance, in the coldness of the absence** of contact. How much have we taken for granted these gestures and their meaning?", Morelli makes us reflect.

7. Enjoying simple things, which bring us well-being.

Obviously, we are not on vacation. This is an exceptional situation in which it is better to confine ourselves at home so as not to infect or be infected. What do we do? Well, take the opportunity to enjoy leisure time, the much-needed rest that has such a bad reputation. "In a society based on productivity and consumption, in which we all run 14 hours a day chasing who knows what, without rest, without pause, suddenly a forced break is imposed on us. Quietly, at home, day after day. To count the hours of a time to which we have lost the value, if it is not measured in retribution of some kind or in money. Do we still know how to use our time without a specific purpose", says psychologist F. Morelli.

8. Investing time in your physical space

It is a good time to clean, renovate and refurbish your space, your home to make it a more organized, comfortable and beautiful place. Make it a reflection of your inner self, your refuge, that transmits calmness. It is a good time to make rituals that inspire you for new projects.

9. Give space for reflection and change

Given the circumstances, let's try to stay calm and see things in a more positive light. Because as psychologist F. Morelli says, "Let's stop looking for blame or wondering why this happened, and start thinking about what we can learn from it all. We all have a lot to reflect on and change. It seems that humanity is indebted enough to the universe and its laws, and that this epidemic is coming to explain it to us, at a high price".


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