Alejandra León

Dare to dream

How many times throughout the year have you said to yourself:

"I would need to change, but I'm like this and I can't do it, I'm not capable, I'm not worth it, for me everything is too difficult"?"

Every time you tell yourself these types of messages, you are limiting your ability to create and act on your present and your future. Dare to look back to change what you no longer want in your life; inside you have all the power to achieve what you can desire.

Many times I am asked, and how, how do you do that, to which I answer, "scratching, removing layers of the onion", turning to the innermost part of your soul, letting out your child, allowing you to bring out the best of you, that which lies dormant and still, but that is in you, in me and in everyone.

Dare to dream, to trust yourself, to recognize what you are in the present moment, to believe that you deserve the good things in life. Dare to dream a change from your inner power, is the key to build your destiny, transform your present and be responsible for your tomorrow.

I hope this information has been useful to you, and if you want to work on healing with your ancestors, do not hesitate to contact contact Thank you for reading and sharing.

Dreamcatcher Oracle