Alejandra León

Discover Healing Through Your Dreams: Channeling and Holistic Psychology to Overcome the Pain of Grief

Uplifting your Spirit through Visitation Dreams in the Holistic Healing Process.

In the sacred realm of dreams, your longings become treasures that unlock the doorways to the divine. In particular, dreams of visitation stand as powerful messengers that restore bonds with those who have crossed the veil into eternity.

Eminent clinical psychologist Jennifer Shorter reveals that visitation dreams are emotionally intense experiences, capable of bringing comfort, guidance and even warnings from loved ones who have transcended.

The Universal Journey of Grief: A Bridge Between the Living and the Deceased.

Grief, an experience shared by all human beings, confronts us with the painful reality of losing those we love: fathers, mothers, children, grandparents or even beloved pets. Dreams are presented as the gateway that connects the realms of the living with those of the deceased.

**Discover that Death is a Rebirth.

Last night I dreamed of my mother, the dream was so vivid that I forgot her departure and embraced her. It was a wonderful reunion ". These visitation dreams are distinguished by their unique nature. Whether it is a close family member, a dear friend or a distant loved one, the pain of their absence is distressing and learning to navigate the grief becomes essential.

Lucid Dreaming as an Ally in the Grieving Process.

In the holistic approach, we recognize that lucid dreaming manifests as a powerful tool for coping with grief and trauma. Often, people resort to sleep medication during grief, distorting the natural process and depriving themselves of the richness of exploring the dream universe.

Exploring the Transformative Power of Visitation Dreams:

Dr. Fariba Bogzaran, scientist, artist and pioneer in dream studies, shares her precognitive experiences since childhood. She describes visitation dreams as "very powerful experiences." A revealing testimony tells the story of someone who, through lucid dreaming, was reunited with her deceased father, completely transforming her life.

**Grief as a Manifestation of Love.

Grief, understood as the process of embracing grief, becomes an act of love. In facing grief, we also embrace love. Visitation dreams offer a path to healing, closure and comfort. These dreams reveal that those who have departed are not gone, but are present in the dream realm, bringing peace to the soul and allowing healing to continue.

**Sowing Seeds of Dream Connection: **Sowing Seeds of Dream Connection.

The next time you long to meet your loved ones in dreams, set that intention before you go to bed. Express your wishes out loud or write them down in your dream journal. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen right away; dream incubation is an art that requires patience. The key is to plant the seed in your mind, manifesting a specific dream to find comfort and healing on the dream plane. Remember, connecting in the dream realm can be your bridge to holistic healing! 🌙💫

The course "Grief: How to Overcome the Loss of a Loved One" will provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to work with your dream universe in a conscious and healing way. You will learn how to cultivate the connection with your deceased loved ones in your dreams and find relief, guidance and inner peace in this grieving process.

Five keys to remember

**1. Sleep is designed to heal.

It has been said that we heal while we sleep. Your body rests and rejuvenates. Your mind often deals with what it cannot consciously process during the day.

2. Your heart is working, even while you sleep.

Dreams may be an attempt to reconnect with your deceased loved one and somehow make more sense of what happened. Your inner pain and fears may surface. Not everyone dreams about their loved one and not all dreams **are positive or reassuring.

Your world has been shaken and your dream most likely will be too. 3.

For most of us, our minds do not rest well after a loss. Just as our worlds are shaken, our sleep is often affected.

Fatigue and even exhaustion are common. Please adjust your expectations

**4. Your dreams reflect your heart's pain, hopes and fears **5.

If your loved one's dreams come, you will naturally want to know what they mean. In most cases, the best place to look for an interpretation is your own heart with the help of good therapy to go deeper.

**5. Your dreams have an impact.

Some dreams may raise more questions. Others may reassure us and bring more peace to our hearts. Still others may awaken or intensify our longing for our loved one. Be aware of the impact of your dreams and use them to navigate your grief.

Continue to practice deep breathing. Be patient with yourself on this unpredictable journey. What you don't understand now may make more sense later.

If you wish to explore more about holistic psychology and energy healing, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:

🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other numbers, Holistic Numerology 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 ,888 ,999 ,1010 and more. You have an amazing playlist on my channel

CHAKRAS Psychology Course - a Holistic and Transpersonal Perspective

Unveiling the Messages of the Universe through Your Dreams: A Holistic Guide to Dream Interpretation **

Exploring the Messages of the Universe: Guides and Masters on the Path of Holistic Knowledge](** Exploring the Messages of the Universe: Guides and Masters on the Path of Holistic Knowledge** ** [Navigating the Process of Grief
Navigating the Grieving Process: Transformative Videos for Healing and Rebirth

Articles and Resources

Psychology Today blog about dreams

Dreamcatcher Oracle