Alejandra León

Energetic Portal: How to use your energy to raise your vibration and reach higher levels of wellbeing.

What is an Energetic portal?

Let me guide you through the wonders of energy portals and their ability to raise your vibration to higher levels of consciousness. I am a holistic healer and I am here to share with you the magic of holistic psychology, energy healing and channeling on this fascinating journey.

What is an energy portal? Imagine a place where energy flows in an intense and powerful way, where the veil between dimensions fades and doors open into unknown realms. These portals exist in sacred natural places, such as majestic mountains, lush forests and crystalline waterfalls. They also manifest in human-made structures, such as ancient temples, mysterious pyramids and places of deep veneration.

Energetic portals have the potential to transform your existence on all levels: physical, mental and spiritual. By immersing yourself in their energy, you can experience a deeper connection with your inner self and access higher dimensions of consciousness. It is as if your soul is rising and dancing in tune with the cosmic melody of the universe.

Let me share with you some practical tips to raise your energy and vibration:

  • Cultivate gratitude: Gratitude is an inexhaustible source of positive energy. Focus on the blessings and wonders around you, expressing gratitude for every experience and encounter in your life. The daily practice of gratitude will raise your vibration and open new paths to fulfillment.

  • Connect with nature: Immerse yourself in the embracing presence of nature. Take the opportunity to stroll through an enchanted forest, immerse yourself in the revitalizing waters of the ocean or simply rest under the protective shade of a century-old tree. Mother Earth brings you her healing energy, raising your vibration and connecting you with the very essence of life.

  • Meditate to transcend: Meditation is a portal in itself, a doorway to calm and inner peace. Step into the serenity of your own being, quieting your mind and allowing the universal energy to flow through you. If you wish to explore the perspective of Chakra Psychology, I invite you to explore my series of meditations at this link.

  • Embrace Yoga: Yoga is a sacred dance that unites your body, mind and spirit. Through physical postures and conscious breathing techniques, we release blockages and allow energy to flow freely through our being. This ancient practice raises your vibration, strengthens your being and awakens a sense of deep well-being.

  • Surround yourself with like-minded people: Surrounding yourself with people who radiate positive, loving energy can powerfully influence your own vibration. Seek the company of like-minded souls, people who inspire, support and understand you on your journey of growth and healing.

  • Music as uplifting: Allow uplifting music to echo your soul. Choose melodies that awaken joy, serenity and empowerment. As you let yourself be carried by sacred rhythms, you will experience an elevation of your energy and a harmonization of your vibration.

  • Honor your physical temple: Take care of your body as the sacred sanctuary it is. Nourish your being with healthy foods, exercise your body with love and take time to care for your emotional well-being. When we honor our physical temple, we allow energy to flow smoothly and harmoniously, raising our vibration and awakening our wholeness.

I invite you to explore these practices in your daily life and discover how they can transform your existence. Through holistic psychology, energy healing and channeling you can open the doors to your full potential and embrace a life full of love, peace and fulfillment.

How to open quantum PORTALS?

A dimensional energetic portal is a connection between two spaces, worlds or places. In this podcast, we will explore 12 portals of your Destiny, each one offering you the possibility to take different paths and reconnect with healthy loves and your blocked creativity, which we must release to turn it into a development tool of abundance, love and well-being.

Opening horizontal or vertical portals makes it easier for us to discover what we want for our future and invites us to take the risk of opening ourselves to the new. This process requires a change of consciousness to manifest our ideas and projects from the soul.

Each portal requires different resources, so it is important to review our beliefs, let go of what no longer serves us, break boundaries, find our identity, let go of emotional burdens, work with the transgenerational and heal deep wounds. From a transpersonal and holistic perspective, we will walk as adults responsible for our actions, beyond our past histories.

I invite you to reflect on the portals you have open in your life, identify those you need to close and those you wish to open. This process of exploration and transformation will allow you to move forward on your path to wholeness and well-being.

For more information and to go deeper into these topics, I invite you to watch the attached video and explore the resources available on my channel, subscribe and join this community of seekers of balance and holistic connection!

Are you ready to open the portals to your fullest potential? Join me on this fascinating journey of self-discovery and transformation!

Welcome to this sacred journey towards the expansion of your being. I am your guide on this path, a holistic healer willing to share my knowledge and energy with you. Join me on this fascinating journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Together, we will create a world full of light and harmony!

Note: My channel offers an abundance of resources and knowledge for your personal growth and healing.

If you would like to explore more about holistic psychology and energy healing, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:




Videos to improve your self-esteem - Holistic Psychology

Want to hear more Affirmations. A wonderful gift for your soul.

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