Alejandra León

Healing my Feminine Lineage

Female lineage: what is it? .

Personally I am in a stage of my life of authentic expansion, knowledge, self-recognition and most importantly inner discovery. Well, that is why in this walk I share the sensations and experiences of the feminine lineage, and what is it about?

Some phrases that describe very well:

  • Our wombs are created in our mother's womb and in it will be imprinted her basic emotions about femininity. In her womb, the emotions and beliefs of our grandmothers are also housed and, if we follow this spiral, we will realize that in this womb of creation and recreation, our Sacred Temple (womb), is built on the pillars of all the women of our matrilineal lineage.

  • The women of the past manifest in us through the palpitations of our womb.

**The moment we recognize ourselves as unique is the moment we honor what we are a part of. It was only when I could feel comfortable and comforted in my mother's arms that I was able to step into my own universe.

  • To move forward, we must not only h understand, but also honor our origin. It is because of them that we throb. Only we can choose how.

  • Our first passageway is our body and from there the doors open to the women of our home. We pass through our womb to the mother's womb and from there to the womb of our ancestors. From one to the other we become aware of who we really are. We each discover our mysteries and I assure you, sisters, they are all beautiful in whatever form.

This contact with my womb is the path that leads me to heal, recognize and reconcile **c_with myself, with my mother, with my grandmothers, with all the ancestors, it is from the feminine that I recognize myself, grow and understand my being and my feelings.

How to heal our own feminine lineage?** ** How to heal our own feminine lineage?** How to heal our own feminine lineage?

"The health of women is the ground on which all humanity grows. Improving a woman's health fertilizes and supplies the soil for all men, women, children, animals, plants and the planet itself. The mother-daughter bond, in all its beauty, pain and complexity, forms the very foundation of a woman's state of health. This primordial relationship leaves its imprint in each and every one of our cells for life."

We women, like men, are created in our mother's womb.

We drink her emotions, we feel everything that happens in her body, mind and spirit. The legacy of all these women to us (or to our daughters) is imprinted in our bodies, specifically in our genitals, our sexual organs, our breasts and our abdomen.

To be aware of this helps us to understand the reason for so many "inexplicable" pains, so much contained anger and so many deaf tears knotted in our throat.

The women of our caste suffered thousands of abuses, from the image of sinner they had to accept "thanks to" the Catholic Church to the "recommended" confinement in the hearths. Our ancestors were girls, they were women, they were daughters, they were mothers as we are today. Their fears and their joys were similar to ours. They had their dreams fulfilled and their dreams frustrated. They were more than caregivers, though we hardly remember it now. They had concerns and needs to shine like those we only confess today in front of the mirror or a helping hand.

It is time to begin the exploration, to navigate the memories harbored in our womb, in our women's bodies, to give way to understanding.

Reconciling with the feminine side of our life, the womb and our feminine body, is one of the most beautiful jobs we can experience as women.

**You want to start the change in your life, it's the perfect time.

You are living a process of change and you need a guide, a helping hand to improve your life, well-being and emotional health, do not hesitate to get in touch.

I hope this information has been useful to you, and if you want to work on your emotions and beliefs, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope this information has been useful to you, and if you want to improve your life, well being and emotional health, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for reading and sharing.

Follow me through my social networks @psico_alejaleon Facebook Youtube

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