Alejandra León

How to Do a Good Detox of your Physical Space for Holistic Healing

Welcome to the world of holistic healing! Today, we will explore together the art of clearing and revitalizing our physical space to achieve harmony and balance in our lives. Through this process of detachment and purification, we will discover how to free ourselves from negative energies and make space for positivity and abundance. So, get ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier, more creative and fulfilling life.

Detachment begins in your Environment:

Holistic healing is about balancing body, mind and soul, and our physical environment plays a crucial role in this process. Here's a list of things you might consider letting go of:

  • Objects you no longer use. Objects that have no use in your life just take up space and energy.

  • Clothes you don't like or haven't worn in a while. Make room for clothes that make you feel good about yourself.

  • Ugly things. Keep only things that inspire beauty and joy.

  • Broken things. Don't keep what is damaged; repair or throw it away.

  • Old letters and notes. Keep only those that really mean something.

  • Dead or diseased plants. Healthy plants bring life and positive energy to your home.

  • Old receipts, newspapers and magazines. Get rid of what you no longer need.

  • Old underwear with holes. Prioritize your comfort and well-being.

  • Worn out shoes. Make room for shoes that make you feel good walking.

  • Junk of all kinds that call up the past. Keep only items that have current significance in your life.

Accumulations and their Impact:

Accumulations of items in different areas of your home can affect your life in a variety of ways:

  • In the basement and rooftop, accumulations become overload.
  • In the entryway, they restrict the flow of life.
  • On the floor, they pull us down.
  • Above us, they are headaches.
  • On the bed, they pollute sleep.
  • Scattered around the house, they overload with emotions.

The Power of Detachment:

Detachment brings with it a number of benefits:

  • Health improves. Fewer accumulated objects means less dust and allergens in the air.

  • Creativity grows. A clean and organized space allows you to flow better in your creative activities.

  • Relationships improve. A tidy and positive environment can promote more harmonious relationships.

  • There is a greater capacity for reasoning. A clear and uncluttered space helps to concentrate and make decisions with greater clarity.

  • It improves mood. A clean and tidy environment can positively influence your mood.

Questions to Facilitate the Letting Go Process:

What am I holding onto that for?
What does it have to do with me today?
What does it mean to release that or that?

How to Approach Cleanup:

  • Separate and Sort: Divide your items into categories: to donate, throw away, sell, give away, etc.

  • Cleanliness on the inside reflects on the outside: Reduce noise, harsh lights, saturated colors, chemical smells and sad memories in your space.

  • Finish unfinished projects: Tackle those projects you've been putting off.

  • Cultivate positive energy in your home: Add elements that bring you joy and peace.

A Gradual Process:

Use boxes to organize and move at your own pace:

  • (a) Trash.
  • b) Arrangements.
  • c) Recycling.
  • d) In doubt.
  • e) Gifts.
  • f) Donation.
  • g) Selling.

As you tidy and clear your physical space, watch your inner self change. Holistic healing is a holistic process that begins with the environment around us and extends into our mental and emotional well-being. Practicing detachment and releasing allows your life to make space for all that is good. Have a beautiful day filled with light and positivity in your space and in your life! ✨🌿

With love,

Alejandra Leon,


If you wish to learn more about holistic psychology, energy healing, as well as explore ancestral and shamanic healing practices, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:.

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