Alejandra León

How to make a personal balance sheet at the end of the year? Ritual

We are in the middle of December and this is the perfect time to get into the practice of personal balance. It is an exercise that I do every year during this season, a holistic healing ritual that connects me with my inner self and prepares me to receive the new year with renewed energy and awareness.

The end of a year is the perfect time to reflect on our achievements, challenges overcome and personal growth experienced. Let's take this moment to look back with gratitude and forward with enthusiasm. Here are some journaling reflection questions to help you in this year-end stocktaking process and to prepare you for a new beginning full of possibilities.

1. Make Memory:

The first step in your holistic healing process is to remember and reflect on what you have experienced during the year. Think about your accomplishments, learnings and changes. Notice how you have evolved from where you started to where you are now. Celebrate each of your steps, big or small. Make a list of your accomplishments and you'll find that you've made more progress than you imagined. Ask yourself:

  • What moments had been "forgotten" and have come back to memory while you were making the list?
  • What have been your happiest moments and your biggest challenges?
  • What have you learned about yourself in those difficult situations?
  • What has been your greatest accomplishment, either personally or professionally?
  • What qualities have you discovered in yourself to achieve it?
  • What has surprised you about yourself?
  • What new lessons have you learned this year?
  • Have you met people important to you this year?
  • What aspects of your life in 2023 do you want to maintain?
  • What do you want to be grateful for?
  • What do you need to let go of?
  • What are you willing to change?
  • What would you like to transform?
  • What are you willing to receive?

2. Thank you:

Gratitude is a powerful holistic healing tool. Remember to give thanks for all that you have received and for the good that is yet to come. Saying goodbye to the year with gratitude will allow you to welcome the new year with an open heart. Ask yourself:

What are you grateful for today?
What events of the past few months deserve your gratitude?
What experiences throughout the year inspire you to give thanks?
Consider creating a "gratitude jar" to remember and appreciate the positive.
What lessons have you learned from the challenges you faced and how have they helped you grow?
What are your core values and how have you incorporated them into your decisions and actions throughout the year?

3. Goals and Accomplishments

Were you able to meet the goals you set at the beginning of the year? Why or why not?
How can you adjust your goals for next year to reflect your current growth and aspirations?
How have your personal relationships evolved this year? Are there relationships you need to strengthen or cultivate further?

4. Let go:

As we approach the close of a year, it is imperative to take a moment to reflect on what we need to let go of. Letting go of the old year involves not only letting go of experiences and situations, but also releasing emotions that no longer serve us. It is like cleaning out the closet of our mind and heart to make room for new joys, achievements and learnings. By letting go of the old, we create space for personal growth and new opportunities that the next year has in store for us.

Questions for Letting Go of the Old Year:

What situations or relationships have caused you the most stress or distress this year and is it time to release them?

What are the unmet expectations you are carrying with you that are holding you back?

What negative thought patterns would you like to leave behind to start the new year with a more positive mindset?

4. Transforms:

What fears or insecurities have you carried over from this year?

Are there grudges or resentments towards other people that are keeping you from living fully? How can you let go of those emotions?

What are the criticisms or judgments you make of yourself that no longer serve you?

How would you like to feel in the coming year and what emotions do you need to let go of to allow that change?

This process of reflection will allow you to let go of the ballast of the old year and embark on the new year with a renewed sense of lightness and possibility.

Opening Yourself Emotionally and Energetically to Receive Abundance:

Opening yourself emotionally and energetically is like unfurling the sails of a ship in a sea of opportunity. By allowing your emotions to flow and your energy to expand, you are creating a space conducive to receiving the blessings the universe has in store for you. Visualize your life filled with achievement, love and prosperity, and allow that vision to guide you toward the manifestation of your dreams. By working on your relationship with money and abundance, you are not only opening the doors to financial prosperity, but also to a life that is fulfilling in every aspect.

  • Daily Gratitude Practice: Keep a gratitude journal to recognize the abundances present in your life, from small joys to significant accomplishments.

  • Creative Visualization: Spend time daily to visualize your goals, imagine the details and feel the excitement of having achieved them. This practice aligns your energy with what you wish to attract.

  • Affirm your Abundance: Create positive affirmations that reinforce the idea that you deserve to receive abundance in all its forms. Repeat them with conviction to program your mind and energy towards prosperity.

    What are your true desires and goals for the coming year, and how can I align my energy with them?

    What self-care and wellness practices can I incorporate to raise my personal energy and vibration?

By opening yourself emotionally and energetically, you connect with the very essence of abundance. Gratitude, positive visualization and affirmation of your worthiness to receive create an energetic flow that attracts more of what you desire. Remember that abundance is not limited to the financial aspect; it also includes love, well-being and success in all areas of your life. By tuning into abundance, you become a magnet for opportunities that will allow you to live the life you dream of. Get ready to receive all the good that the universe has in store for you!

6. Project and Act:

With palpable determination in the air, it's the perfect time to map out a personal action plan to guide you toward the authentic change you seek in your life. Start by clearly identifying your goals and objectives, breaking them down into achievable and realistic steps. Visualize the path that will lead you to your most vibrant and fulfilled self.

Commit to yourself to take consistent steps, even when the path becomes challenging.
What specific actions can you take to align your day-to-day life with your deepest aspirations?

Make action a constant companion on your journey toward meaningful change. Don't allow opportunities to pass you by unnoticed; rather, create them with every conscious choice.

Are you ready to dedicate time and effort to your year-end personal assessment? This action plan is not only a commitment to yourself, but also a gift to yourself to transform your life in a way that resonates with your authentic self. Go ahead, take the first step toward your best self!

If you feel you need to begin your process of healing, closure and letting go, don't hesitate to get in touch. I am here to support you on your journey to a fuller and more conscious life.

Thank you for reading and sharing, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Loving New Year full of growth and well-being!

With love,

Alejandra León,


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