Alejandra León

I want, I allow myself

Looking among materials and books to work with women on the therapy of Women's Healing, I found this text that I find very inspiring, especially if we work from the perspective of I want, I allow myself to be

I want to be a woman conscious of the privilege and miracle of life... to feel that I have the right to LIVE and enjoy what it offers me...

I want to be someone, to thank and repay all the blessings that God has given me...

I want to be HAPPY being myself, without masks, without guilt feelings, according to my vocation, to my mission and to my dreams...

I want to have the courage to be and to feel free to choose my paths, to overcome my fears and to assume the consequences of my actions...

I want to have the joy to laugh, to make and walk my way to happiness, to feel the energy of LIVING fully and intensely...

I want to feel, to be a COMPLETE woman, to love myself, to recognize that I am unique, unrepeatable and irreplaceable, that I am worth because a divine LIGHT has been installed in me and because in my interior there is much to GIVE...

I want to become aware that no one can hurt me unless I allow it, that no one can attack me because I do not deserve it...

I want to be LIGHT for my SUN, my family and my children, because in this way I will help them to grow up without fear and with responsibility.

I want to stop being and feeling like a victim and take back or take for the first time in my LIFE the ability to govern myself, to be the protagonist of my history...

I want to LOVE the present, choose the future and fight to do it, with my heart without ever giving up or getting tired...

I want to remember the past, but not to live in it, to learn not to make the same mistakes, I want to dream of a bright future full of stars, without ceasing to live and enjoy my present, being fully aware that the only safe thing is today, the here and now...

I want to forgive myself my mistakes, my faults, my falls and release the burden to make lighter my walk towards a NEW LIFE...

I want, every day of my life in this dimension, to be grateful for every moment of encouragement, every smile, every tear, every friend that has given me a hand in my pilgrimage, every experience that has made me BE who I am, with my defects and virtues...

I want to continue being ME so that I can feel YOU...** I want to continue being YOU...**.

Author unknown

I hope this information has been useful to you, and if you want to work on your healing process, feel free to get in contact. Thank you for reading and sharing.


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