Alejandra León

Let go, let loose

How to learn to let go...?

A little over two years ago, I found myself facing a deeply challenging situation in my family life. In a moment of extreme despair and hopelessness, I knelt down, clasped my hands and sought the help of a higher being in whom I deeply believe: God. I asked him with all my being, "Please let me see clearly what I should do, what path I should take." Although I am normally clairaudient and receive information mainly through my ears, in that moment of distress I heard nothing.

I decided to step away for a while and went to the kitchen. It was there, in the stillness of my inner self, that I heard a voice echoing in my mind, "Let it go, let go."

It was a male voice, firm and confident, but clearly not mine. It was as if something larger and wiser was speaking to me. It could have been God, my spirit guides or even my inner teacher.

The words "Let it go, let go" stayed with me. I wondered: What exactly was I supposed to let go of? What was the meaning of all this for me?

In the days that followed, those same words kept coming to me in various forms: "let go", "learn to let go", "let go". The messages appeared in audios, posts and videos, as if they were the central theme of everything I was paying attention to.

With love, I decided to embrace this phrase and delve deeper into its meaning. Over time, I discovered that:

Every morning I need to let go and let go of control, rushing, frustration and any uncomfortable emotions that try to dominate me.

Every morning I need to let go and release THE PAST, which means releasing resentment, guilt, pain and yesterday's attachments.

Every morning I need to let go and release the anguish, fear, worry and feelings of lack related to the FUTURE.

The act of letting go and letting go became a constant practice in my life. This practice anchors me in the here and NOW, in the present. Learning to let go is the path to happiness.

Letting go creates space for new beginnings: by clearing out what happened yesterday, we open the doors to the opportunities that today has to offer.


I ask you today, what do you need to let go of?

I discovered that letting go is not only about letting go of what no longer serves us, but also about freeing ourselves from the chains of resentment, guilt and fear that bind us to the past and the future.

How do we learn to let go and allow peace to flood our hearts? What does the act of letting go really mean in our lives?

I discovered that letting go is not only about letting go of what no longer serves us, but also about freeing ourselves from the chains of resentment, guilt and fear that bind us to the past and the future. It is an act of self-love and trust in the universe, a surrender to the divine wisdom that guides us on our path.

On this holistic healing journey, I have learned that every morning is an opportunity to let go and let go of: the control, expectations and emotions that limit us. In doing so, we create space for joy, peace and fulfillment in our lives.

Let us remember that the path of letting go leads us to new horizons, frees us from the burdens of the past and prepares us to receive the blessings of the present. Through the conscious act of letting go, we find the freedom to be who we really are and live in harmony with the universe.

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