Alejandra León

Marry also the spouse's family

Interesting reflection when we are talking about love, couple and family. Hence the importance of recognizing where we come from, our partner's family, our own family and our new arrangements.

Marrying also with the spouse's family "When a couple meets, the partners, at the beginning usually have certain difficulties. Frequently these problems are due to the fact that each of them comes from a different family ^....] For a couple relationship to succeed, each of the partners has to leave his or her family. And this not only in an ex-ternal sense, but each has to leave some principles that in his family were valid, to negotiate with his partner new principles that somehow recognize the values of both parties. At this new level, the couple can live an endearing relationship. Some people say, "My family is fine, but my partner's family is bad." Such a phrase is poison for the couple's relationship. Whoever marries his or her partner, also has to marry the other's family. That means that he has to respect and love his partner's family, as if he were his partner himself. Only in this way, this love can be achieved".

Berth Hellinger

Do you feel that your partner denies or rejects your family?

Do you accept your partner's family?

Do you know your partner's family and emotional history?

Are you afraid of losing or having lost your belonging to your families of origin?

If these questions are answered in the affirmative, it is time to reflect on the couple's agreements, their foundations and the history that each brings to the new relationship.

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