Alejandra León

🗝 Meaning of 4 - 44 - 444 - 4:44 Guides - Numerology - Therapeutic Tarot

You are seeing the number 4 - 44 - 444 - 4:44 everywhere, license plates, telephone, etc... and you want to know what the message your guides have for you means.

In this video I will talk about the meaning of the number 4 message of the angels and guides, numerology and therapeutic tarot.

A holistic perspective that will help you understand all these messages.

Why are you seeing the number 444 everywhere?

Your number four suggests that your perspective encompasses all four dimensions of life and is not limited by any "funnel" view. The number four symbolizes wholeness. It points us to our orientation toward the human dimension. It is geometrically equivalent to the rectangle and stands for law and order imposed on the chaotic disorder of Mother Nature. On both the earthly and celestial planes, the number four plays a decisive role as a factor of order. Here is a list of the various "fours" that order our thoughts:

  • The four points of the compass.
  • The four directions of the earth.
  • The four winds of the heavens.
  • The four rivers of Eden.
  • The four qualities of antiquity (warm, dry, wet and cold). The four fluid humors (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic).
  • The four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
  • The four prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Hosea).
  • The four angels (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel).
  • The four beasts of the Apocalypse.
  • The four elements (air, earth, fire and water).
  • The four ingredients of alchemy (salt, sulfur, mercury and azote).
  • The four seasons.
  • The four basic geometric figures (circle, line, triangle and rectangle).
  • The four phases of the moon.
  • The four Hebrew letters of the sacred name of the Lord (jod, he, vav, he).
  • The four arithmetic rules (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
  • The four cardinal virtues (justice, prudence, fortitude and temperance).
  • This list of "fours" has helped man from time immemorial to direct the steps of his spiritual and physical life.

Four is also the number that is connected with the creation of man. Thus the Syriac book "Book of the Cave of Treasures" tells us: "They saw God take a grain of dust from the earth, a drop of water from the sea, a breath of air from the upper winds, and a little heat from the nature of fire. And the angels saw how these four elements, weak in themselves, were placed in the hollow of his hand: the dry, the wet, the cold and the hot. And then God made Adam. "2

In summary, then, the number four symbolizes man's orientation toward his reality as a human being. One representation of the number four is the square, which symbolizes the order imposed by the Logos on nature.

Meaning of 4 with the Guides and Guardian Angels

The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form and signifies work and productivity. The essence of the number 4 is security, diligent work and solid foundations. It is constructive, realistic, traditional and cautious and is the number of system, order and management. This vibration has to do with energy, harmony and cooperation and is the gateway to enlightenment and/or initiation.

Angel number 4 is an indication that your angels offer you love, support, encouragement and inner strength, allowing you to do what you need to do and achieve your goals with diligence and competence. When you take positive steps toward your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favor and helps you establish solid foundations and move forward on your path.

What does angel number 444 mean in spirituality?

Angel number 4 indicates that your angels are all around you and that you can ask them for help, guidance and assistance when you need it. Trust that you have all the skills, talents and abilities to overcome any obstacle and achieve your highest aspirations. When Angel Number 4 appears constantly, it indicates that your angels are around you and with you. The angels offer you support and inner strength so that you can get the necessary work done. They understand that you are working hard to achieve your goals and aspirations and the angels ask you to ask them for help, support, guidance and the emotions of love and security.

Angel number 4 also encourages you to properly prepare your plans and set things in motion with system and order so that you can achieve your goals and aspirations.

Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 4:44

Everything he has done will be successful. The repetition of the hour indicates that you are surrounded by guardian angels who love and support you. Their help and love guide you in your existence.

Before going into the heart of the matter, you must first know that the guardian angel Hariel is the angel of liberation and belief. Throughout Hour 04:44 and 444, he informs you that he brings you and the strength to help you break free from your bad habits, negative beliefs and self-sabotages.
The guardian angel Hariel wants to let you know that he brings you ambition in the professional field. It gives you the opportunity to discover new processes and useful inventions. Because of his divine light, you will be able to shine in the world of science and art.

Hariel, when bound to the triplicate hour 4:44, grants you innocence, purification and purity. It helps you to tear down the masks that deceive innocence while purifying your conscience. It removes from your mind all that prevents you from seeing and feeling the subtler energies in the realm of thought. With it, you have the power to forgive in order to find harmony.

If you are addicted to drugs, tobacco, medicines, alcohol ... he wants to warn you through the triplicate time 04:44 that he can free you from all bad habits that prevent you from seeing reality. He also frees you from any form of paralysis that prevents you from acting.
Your guardian angel do-gooder and protector is also said to give you spiritual feelings so that you can establish a better understanding between individuality and personality. He brings clairvoyance into his mind so that he can revive his faculty of discernment. With him, you will be someone better, he wants to make it clear using the three-way mirror 04:44.

What is angel number 444 trying to tell you?

Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels, practicality and responsibility, productivity, enlightenment and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and skill, honesty and inner wisdom, determination and endurance, hard work and progress. The number 4 also represents our passion and drive and encourages us to work harmoniously but diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations. The number 4 is also the number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. With the appearance of three 4's, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced.

Angel number 444 asks you to pay attention to your intuition and inner wisdom as your connection to your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path, as your drive and determination will lead you to success and fulfillment.

Can angel number 444 be a warning sign?

Angel number 444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you positive energies, inner strength and support to enable you to do the work you need to do. They know and understand that you have been working diligently to achieve your goals, and they encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Use your strong connection with the angelic realm to your advantage and be open to their messages and suggestions. Listen to your intuition and follow their guidance.

Angel number 444 is a message that says you have nothing to fear regarding your life, work and divine life purpose. When you take positive steps toward your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favor and helps you establish solid foundations and move forward on your path. Know that the angels surround you and support you, encouraging you to continue the good work you have been doing.

Angel number 444 brings a message that says "all is well." Trust that you are on the right path in your life and that you are doing a great job. Angels and Archangels are available for help and guidance; all you need to do is ask.

The number 444 relates to the number 3 (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3) and the Angel number 3.

What does it mean if you see 444 or 4:44? Numerology

Numerologically speaking, the number four has extraordinary and magical powers. Not only does it mark the end of a cycle, but it provides us with the strength necessary for the beginning of a new cycle. When we place the numbers one through four and add them together, we get ten and start a new cycle. This is one reason for its ambivalence. Just as the Magician (with the number one) provided us with the energy necessary to begin the cycle of his creation, the Emperor, with the number four, concludes this phase, initiating at the same time a new type of creation: civilization. Like a kernel of corn, it is the result of all that has gone before in it and is, at the same time, the promise of an entirely new growth.

Connection between 4,44,444, 4:44 and the Therapeutic Tarot

It is represented by an emperor, a man seated on a throne and luxuriously dressed. He is of middle age, bearded, holding a scepter in his right hand (symbol of the earth), his legs are crossed, his left hand is free and he is in a contemplative attitude. The grass at his feet signifies productivity.

The Emperor is the counterpart of the Empress and symbolizes a powerful influence, usually of a masculine nature. This can also include concepts in your life that have historically been considered masculine, such as leadership and authority, self-discipline and stability through the power of action. Its positive influences suggest that you may be on the path to promotion or advancement, but it can also be neutral. Usually the companion of those destined to take on greater responsibility, it can portend changes or losses that require you to step forward to take on a greater burden than you already had in the past. Whatever the impetus for change, it indicates that you may possess an uncommon inner strength that will compel you to act and lead.

Earthly and temporal power, the material, which man with his knowledge can use to obtain material benefits. It also represents stability, the social position of what has been achieved, the solidity of what has been acquired, fortune, well-being, material pleasure.

Explore the unique fusion of creativity and spirituality with the Coloring Book Tarot , an immersive experience that invites you to bring cosmic energies to life through art and divination. Available now on Amazon, this tarot deck will guide you on an introspective journey as you color each card, creating a personal connection with the universal forces that shape your destiny. Discover the art of illuminating your path with sacred colors and symbols.

In the following podcast you will discover:

  • Psychological meaning of the arcane.
  • Interpretations and meaning of the Emperor in Tarot
  • What does the arcane of the Emperor mean?
  • What is the arcane number 4?
  • Tarot The Emperor's Council and holistic psychology.
  • Psychomagic act of letting go
  • The Emperor and authority among other aspects.
  • The Integration of the Tarot Archetypes and Psychotherapy
  • How are archetypes configured in the unconscious?

So click and enjoy!

🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other numbers 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 ,888 ,999 ,1010 and more you have an amazing playlist in my channel

Dreamcatcher Oracle