Alejandra León

Reborn in the Heart of the Challenge: Spiritual Reflections for the end of the year

Surely these days you are receiving numerous Christmas messages and good wishes for 2021. I hope and wish that this is the case, but I trust that this is not just another message. The truth is that it has been hard for me to sit down to write it, since it has been a truly challenging year that has tested us in many aspects of life, taking us out of our "comfort zone" and shaking us like a tsunami. What can I tell you that you do not know! or that you have not lived, because in the end, everyone has handled it as best they could.

As I write this, I do it with tears in my eyes, tiredness in my body and a feeling of "stop the world, I want to get off", as a Quino cartoon used to say. Taking stock of the year with a holistic perspective, I must say that it has left me with many positive lessons, other painful ones, but above all it allows me to glimpse that moment of evolution of my soul, observing and feeling that leap into the unknown that this time brings us.

I do not know if it is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the 20 thousand revolutions, or all together, but what I can tell you is that this year 2020 leaves us the great learning of deprogramming ourselves, trusting and having faith.

What has 2020 meant to you?

For me, it has been a rupture of schemes and structures; everything that was stable in my life fell apart. From one moment to the next, life put me in front of a new reality in which, after the tsunami, I had to sit down and cry, wait for things to calm down and decide what to do: rebuild the old or start building new internal structures. I opted for the second option, as the first was too physically and emotionally costly. Although I had every intention of doing so, I realized that it was like shoring up a destroyed house from the inside, keeping the facade.

Have you felt the same way during this time?

I was afraid to take responsibility for myself in some aspects of life, and that is hard to see and recognize. But I must also tell you that it has led me to recover my inner power, connect with an Alejandra that was parked in the shadow of habit, and reconnect from deep within with my mission and life purpose. Little by little I have been learning that 2020 has been a year to face and confront the greatest fears, to reconnect with my higher self, my quantum self, and to believe in myself again. Above all, it has been a year to let myself be cared for and sustained by life, the ancestors and that magical universe of synchronicities, angels and masters of light that have accompanied me on every journey.

And you, in what fear did you discover that you were brave?

I discovered my courage when I saw myself, made myself and felt strong while going through a pandemic and a loving bereavement. In that moment of vulnerability, I opened the wound of abandonment and distance from my loved ones. I saw and see myself resilient in the face of adversity. Every day that I wake up and decide to continue here in Madrid, with uncertainty and fear on my shoulders, I ask myself the underlying question What if you were to die today?

It has been an arduous, painful and rewarding task in this process of growth, of evolution to a new form, of rebirth speaking from the heart. And I am still at it, in that transit between the old and the new, what is left behind and what follows, listening to my feelings, my needs, my body, walking slowly between colors, brushes and the quiet calm that wartime brings.

And you will say, Alejandra León, why are you telling me this? I do it as a person, to make you feel closer to me, more human, beyond my psychologist and holistic therapist garb; to share my silence with you in this last trimester, to share my light and my shadow, to invite you to walk hand in hand with me in this new cycle that 2021 brings us, a time that asks and demands inner light and emotional support in many aspects.

If you have made it this far, I thank you and invite you to share, to continue moving through life with and in spite of everything.
And now, where does your life have to go?

Merry Christmas and may everything good be for you and for me, with health, love, wellness and consciousness.

If you wish to explore more about Holistic Numerology, energy healing, Intuitive Message - Psychic Mediumship. I invite you to visit the following links that will provide valuable information.

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