Exploring the Root Chakra: A Psychoemotional Perspective and the Path to Healing in Holistic Psychology
Published March 10, 2023

- The Root Chakra psychoemotional explanation
- 2. Meaning of the red color in the root chakra
- What does the root chakra symbol mean?
- Root chakra energetic frequency**.
- What happens when the root chakra is activated?
- Root chakra is underactive or blocked
- Root chakra is overactive or unbalanced
- Possible causes of imbalanced root chakra
- Affirmation that helps to heal your root chakra
- Stones that help you balance your root chakra
- Foods that help you to balance the root chakra
The Root Chakra psychoemotional explanation
Location: Base of the spine (coccyx, perineum, pelvic floor)
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Bija Mantra (seed syllable, or seed mantra): LAM (sounds like flame)
Sanskrit name (meaning): Muladhara (meaning: root, foundation)
Aim: Foundation
Nerve plexus: Coccygeal
Endocrine gland: Adrenals
Have you ever thought about the basic needs of a baby born?
There is a basic need to provide what they require for their survival, i.e. food and shelter, and finally, they develop a sense of security.
I am safe and I belong here.
This phrase shows the first sense of attachment to the material world that we feel after conception. Everything originated at the lower base of the spine, i.e. the place of the Root Chakra.
2. Meaning of the red color in the root chakra
he root chakra, as its name implies, is the solid, deep-rooted foundation that connects our being to the very essence of the earth. Represented by the color red, this energy wheel reflects the strength and vitality that flows from the core of the earth into our inner being.
Just as on the earth's surface, where red gradually fades with the drop in temperature, the chakras also have their own gradation of colors. Red, being the color of energy and determination, has a powerful effect on our limbic system, which governs behaviors essential to our survival, such as feeding, reproduction and fight or flight responses.
In holistic healing, we recognize the importance of the root chakra as the foundation of our being. A balanced root chakra provides us with a sense of security, emotional stability and connection to the world around us. However, when this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we can experience insecurity, fear and difficulties in fundamental areas of our life.
It is essential to understand and heal the root chakra in order to restore balance in our being and in our relationship with our environment. Through holistic healing techniques, meditation and grounding practices, we can revitalize and strengthen this vital energy center, allowing the earthly energy that connects us to our own essence and that of the universe to flow freely.
In the Chakra Psychology and Holistic Healing course with Shaman Alejandra, we will explore in depth the root Chakra and learn how to unlock its potential benefits for a fuller and more harmonious life. Join this exciting journey towards balance and holistic healing in body, mind and spirit!
What does the root chakra symbol mean?
Understanding your symbol can help you balance your root energy in your body.
- Triangle pointing down: points to the earth and shows the union of the soul present in us, with matter (earth). It also reminds us of being grounded and home to the Kundalini energy.
- Square inscribed in a circle: as the root chakra connects us to the earth and the earth sustains us. The square shown in its symbol is the representation of a firm base of support.
- Lotus flower 4 petals: physically, 4 lotus petals indicate the fusion of 4 nerves (Nadis) at this point. These 4 Nadis in the symbol represented with 4 Sanskrit syllables वं vaṃ, शं śaṃ, षं ṣaṃ and सं saṃ.
Text लं in the center: this is the seed mantra of the root chakra. Its sound has the power to stimulate the earth element present in the body. In some traditional symbols an elephant is shown inside the square.
The elephant is a representation of the weight-bearing mother earth and therefore symbolizes the inner strength associated with this chakra.
Root chakra energetic frequency**.
In holistic healing, each chakra has a unique spinning speed and emits energetic vibrations at specific frequencies. Among them all, the top chakra is associated with a higher frequency.
The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, vibrates at the lowest frequency, resonating at 396Hz. When this energy center is in harmony with this frequency, it is considered to be in a balanced and fulfilled state.
The "Bija Mantra" or seed sound that represents the root chakra is "Lam". This powerful single syllable sound is a key tool in the healing and activation of this energy center.
What happens when the root chakra is activated?
Identifying whether the root chakra is blocked can be crucial to addressing any energetic imbalances in our being. Here are some signs that may indicate that the root chakra needs attention and healing:
Insecurity and Fear: Feeling a constant sense of insecurity or fear in daily life can be an indicator that the root chakra is blocked. You may feel anxious, fearful of the future or unable to face challenges with confidence.
Lack of Connection to the Outer World: If you feel disconnected from reality, isolated or unable to ground yourself in the world around you, your root chakra may be blocked.
Financial Difficulties: Recurring money-related problems, such as debt, lack of prosperity or inability to manage your financial resources, may be a sign of a root chakra blockage.
Physical Health Problems: A blocked root chakra can also manifest in physical health problems, especially in the lower body, such as lower back pain, digestive problems or leg pain.
Emotional Instability: An imbalanced root chakra can lead to emotional fluctuations, irritability or a feeling of lack of control over your emotions.
Difficulties in Relationships and Bonding: Feeling difficulty establishing strong and meaningful relationships with others may indicate a blockage in the root chakra.
Lack of Sense of Belonging: If you feel disconnected from your family, community or place of origin, your root chakra may need attention and healing.
Problems with Basic Security: A blocked root chakra can manifest in problems with basic security in life, such as housing, employment or overall stability.
If you experience some of these signs, it may be beneficial to explore and heal your root chakra through holistic healing and chakra psychology techniques, such as those offered in Shaman Alejandra's online Chakra Psychology - Holistic Healing course. By identifying and working on the healing of this chakra, you will be able to restore balance and harmony in your life, connecting with your inner power and achieving greater well-being in body, mind and spirit.
Root chakra is underactive or blocked
When the root chakra is underactive or blocked, it can manifest through a series of physical, emotional and mental symptoms that indicate an imbalance in this vital energy center. Some of the common symptoms of an underactive root chakra include:
Insecurity and Fear: Constant feelings of insecurity, fear of the future or a sense of not being grounded in reality.
Lack of Confidence: Difficulty trusting yourself or others, which can affect your personal and professional relationships.
Disconnection with the Body: Feeling disconnected or dissociated from your body, as if you are out of tune with your physical sensations.
Financial Difficulties: Recurring problems with money, difficulty managing your financial resources or a sense of financial instability.
Lack of Vital Energy: Feeling of constant fatigue or lack of energy to face daily activities.
Lack of Motivation: Lack of motivation or sense of purpose in life, which can lead to a lack of direction and clear goals.
Physical Health Problems: Physical ailments in the lower body, such as lower back pain, digestive problems or leg discomfort.
Difficulty Adapting: Resistance to change or difficulty adapting to new situations.
Holistic healing can be a powerful tool for balancing and activating the root chakra. Through practices such as meditation, visualization, energy therapy and grounding, we can release emotional blockages and allow energy to flow freely in our being. By addressing and healing the root chakra, we can regain a sense of security, stability and connection to the earth and ourselves, allowing us to live a fuller and more harmonious life.
Root chakra is overactive or unbalanced
When the root chakra is overactive or unbalanced, it can manifest through a series of physical, emotional and mental symptoms that indicate an excess of energy in this vital energy center. Some of the common symptoms of an overactive or decompensated root chakra include:
Physical Symptoms:
Muscle tension and stiffness in the lower body, such as hips and legs.
Digestive or intestinal problems, such as constipation or diarrhea.
High blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.
Burning sensation or heat in the root chakra area.
**Emotional and Mental Symptoms: ** Emotional and mental symptoms
Anxiety and constant worry.
Obsession with issues of survival, security and stability.
Difficulty relaxing and being calm.
Tendency to be possessive or territorial with people and objects.
Excessively materialistic behaviors or attachment to material possessions.
Aggressiveness or disproportionate anger in stressful situations.
Imbalance of the root chakra can lead to an overstimulation of our survival energy, which can generate a sense of constant struggle or high alertness. Holistic healing can be a valuable tool for harmonizing and balancing the root chakra. Through grounding techniques, meditation, energy therapies and the use of crystals, we can calm excess energy and allow it to flow in a more balanced way.
The Chakra Psychology and Holistic Healing online course with Shaman Alejandra will uncover knowledge and practices to harmonize and balance your chakras, including the root chakra. By understanding and healing energetic imbalances, you can regain a sense of security and emotional stability, allowing you to live a more serene and harmonious life with yourself and the world around you. Discover the transformative power of holistic healing and begin your path to holistic wellness!
Possible causes of imbalanced root chakra
Imbalance in the root chakra can be related to various physical, emotional and energetic causes. In holistic healing, it is considered that blockages in the root chakra can result from:
Emotional or Physical Trauma: Traumatic experiences in the past, especially in childhood, can leave a deep imprint on the root chakra and affect our sense of security and stability.
Security and Stability Problems: Situations of economic, housing or employment instability can generate anxiety and imbalances in the root chakra.
Disconnection with Nature: Lack of connection with the earth and nature can weaken grounding and negatively affect the root chakra.
Lack of Family or Community Support: Lack of emotional support and the feeling of not belonging to a group can affect the root chakra.
Excessive Materialism: Excessive focus on material possessions and a scarcity mentality can block root chakra energy.
Chronic Stress and Anxiety: Living in a constant state of stress and anxiety can weaken the root chakra and affect our ability to feel secure and grounded.
Lack of Self-Care: Ignoring our physical and emotional needs can lead to an imbalance in the root chakra.
Behavioral Patterns and Limiting Beliefs: Negative beliefs about security and stability, as well as unhealthy behavioral patterns, can block the flow of energy in the root chakra.
Holistic healing seeks to address these root causes of root chakra imbalance through practices and techniques that restore harmony and proper energy flow. By working on healing the root chakra, we can improve our connection to the earth, strengthen our sense of security and stability, and enable us to live a more fulfilling and balanced life. If you would like to explore more about root chakra healing and other aspects of holistic healing, I invite you to join the Chakra Psychology and Holistic Healing online course with Shaman Alejandra. Discover the transformative power of holistic healing and begin your journey to holistic wellness!
Affirmation that helps to heal your root chakra
The importance of root chakra affirmations and holistic healing lies in their ability to reprogram limiting beliefs and strengthen our connection to the earth, security and emotional stability.
Positive affirmations are powerful, positive statements that are repeated constantly and consciously. By using affirmations focused on the root chakra, we can direct our attention to key areas that need healing and balancing in this area.
Some benefits of using affirmations in root chakra healing are:
Replacing Limiting Beliefs: Positive affirmations allow us to challenge and replace negative or limiting beliefs that may be blocking the root chakra energy. By repeating affirmations that reinforce our security, stability and grounding, we can change negative thought patterns and foster a sense of confidence and grounding.
Strengthening the Earth Connection: The root chakra is linked to the energy of the earth and allows us to become grounded and feel connected to the environment. Affirmations focused on this connection help us to strengthen our sense of belonging and rootedness in the physical world.
Emotional Balance: Positive affirmations can calm unbalanced emotions and generate a sense of calm and security in times of anxiety or stress. By repeating affirmations such as "I am safe and secure" or "I trust the wisdom of my body", we can alleviate fears and anxieties.
Empowering the Healing Process: Affirmations act as a constant reminder of our goals for healing and personal growth. By using specific affirmations related to the root chakra, we can stay focused on the healing work and nurture our connection to the earth.
To maximize the impact of affirmations, it is advisable to repeat them with sincerity and emotion, preferably in a relaxed or meditative state.
The Chakra Psychology and Holistic Healing online course will provide you with tools and practices to work with specific affirmations for each chakra, including the root chakra.
- I Am connected and grounded through the earth.
- I am grateful.
- I am abundant.
- I am at peace with the material world in which I live.
- I have a healthy body.
- I am worthy of respect.
- I am independent.
Stones that help you balance your root chakra
The use of crystals is a valuable and powerful practice in root chakra healing and holistic healing in general. Crystals are considered natural tools that can help harmonize and balance the chakras, including the root chakra, by interacting with the subtle energy of the body.
The importance of using crystals at the root chakra lies in their ability to:
anchor and ground: Crystals associated with the root chakra have an earthy energy and can help us anchor and ground our energy in the physical world. By using crystals such as hematite or black tourmaline, we can strengthen our connection to the earth, which in turn gives us a greater sense of security and stability.
Release Energetic Blockages: Crystals can help release energetic blockages that may be hindering the proper flow of energy in the root chakra. By placing crystals such as red jasper or obsidian in the root chakra area, we can stimulate energy circulation and promote a state of balance.
Facilitate Emotional Healing: Some crystals have energetic properties that can help release repressed emotions or traumas associated with the root chakra. For example, rose quartz can be used in combination with root crystals to work on emotional healing and encourage self-compassion.
Strengthen Self-Esteem: By working with crystals at the root chakra, we can strengthen our self-esteem and self-confidence. Crystals such as citrine can help us overcome feelings of insecurity and enhance a sense of personal empowerment.
Some examples of crystals that can be used for root chakra healing are:
Hematite: Helps ground and protect.
Black Tourmaline: Absorbs negative energies and provides protection.
Red Jasper: Provides emotional and physical stability.
Obsidian: Promotes the release of emotional traumas.
Rose Quartz: Promotes self-love and compassion.
It is important to remember that each person is unique and may resonate with different crystals in a personal way. Intuition and connection with the crystal are critical when choosing the right ones to work with for root chakra healing. In addition, it is advisable to cleanse and energize crystals regularly to maintain their effectiveness in the holistic healing process.
In the Chakra Psychology and Holistic Healing online course with Shaman Alejandra, you will learn more about the use of crystals and other tools for the healing of the root chakra and all the chakras.
Foods that help you to balance the root chakra
Food plays a fundamental role in healing the root chakra and in the practice of holistic healing in general. The foods we eat have a direct influence on our physical, emotional and spiritual energy and well-being. By consciously choosing certain foods, we can nourish and balance our root chakra, strengthening our connection to the earth and promoting a sense of security and stability in our lives.
Some key points about the importance of food in healing the root chakra are:
- Grounding and Stability: Foods that come from the earth, such as roots and tubers, are especially beneficial for grounding and strengthening the root chakra. These foods connect us to the energy of the earth and help us feel more centered and secure.
Nutrition and Physical Strength: A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for maintaining a strong and healthy body, which in turn contributes to a healthy root chakra. Foods rich in protein, iron and minerals such as legumes, spinach and almonds are excellent choices to nourish our body and support the vitality of the root chakra.
Emotional Stability: Some foods are associated with emotional support and can help us manage stress and anxiety, which are often related to an imbalanced root chakra. For example, chamomile tea and nuts contain properties that calm and balance our emotions.
Connecting with Nature: By consuming fresh, natural foods, such as seasonal fruits and vegetables, we connect with nature's energy and nurture our connection to the earth and root chakra.
Some examples of foods that can help heal the root chakra are:
Carrots: Excellent for grounding and connection to the earth.
Potatoes: Help provide a sense of stability and security.
Beets: Strengthens the root chakra and increases vital energy.
Vegetable Proteins (lentils, chickpeas): Contribute to balanced nutrition and strengthen the physical body.
Red fruits (raspberries, strawberries): Provide energy and vitality.
Remember that a balanced and varied diet is essential for general well-being and for the balance of all the chakras, including the root chakra. In addition, it is important to listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel after consuming certain foods, as each person may have different needs and reactions.
My online Chakra Psychology and Holistic Healing course will provide you with a comprehensive look at how food can impact root chakra healing and overall holistic wellness. Discover how to nourish your root chakra through the wisdom of food and the power of holistic healing!
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