Alejandra León

Start or continue your Holistic Healing Therapy Online: Your time to grow and heal from home.

Good morning!

I hope you have had a good start to the week after this atypical Easter we have experienced.

During this challenging period of the pandemic, I have been going through a roller coaster of emotions, looking to my work, self-observation and search for meaning in life (including the act of kneading bread) for guidance in living in the present moment.

These days have been filled with grief and mourning, especially for those who have lost loved ones. If you have experienced the loss of someone close to you, I want you to know that I am here to accompany and support you in this difficult time. Together we can face the pain and find the strength to move forward.
Start my online healing therapy?

On this first day of the week, after Easter Sunday, we find ourselves in a time of Pentecost, a deeply metaphorical time from my perspective. It is a time of personal resurrection, an opportunity to be reborn and breathe more joy into our hearts. We allow ourselves to rejoice in life and find the strength to continue to grow.

Similar to the story of Pentecost, where tongues of fire descended upon the apostles, we too can feel that renewing inner fire that propels us through difficult times. It is as if a new life emerges from the ashes, inspiring us to be better and to embrace the opportunities that present themselves.

In this time of Pentecost, let us free ourselves from past burdens and look to a future full of possibilities. It is a time to connect with our essence, strengthen our spiritual bonds and embrace the greatness within us.

Just as the apostles emerged transformed and filled with courage to share a message of hope, so too can we emerge from this time of resurrection with a new perspective and the determination to live fully. It is time to be reborn, to rise up with strength and courage, facing life with joy and gratitude.

In this time of Pentecost, let us allow the fire within to guide us toward the greatness within us, advancing our personal growth and contributing to the creation of a better world around us.

As for face-to-face sessions, for now I will continue to provide support exclusively through online sessions until we can guarantee health and wellness for both you and me. If you are interested in starting this accompaniment, let me know.

With love and gratitude,
Alejandra León 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

In the meantime, what can I do?

I have been creating material for the channel. You have 4 new podcasts on grief management at this time; as well as two new videos from a holistic perspective: **

Energetic Harmonization of water 🙏 Energetic body

Writing as a healing process / In the midst of the crisis

To fill us with energy, revitalize the soul, and give some love and compassion to our being at this time.

I hope you have a good start of the week and remember I'm still here for whatever you need.

Dreamcatcher Oracle