Alejandra León

SWOT analysis for life

The DAFO/ DOFA or SWOT analysis is a matrix widely used in the decision making processes of any company, and of course, applicable to everyday life.

Before making any strategic decision in life, it is essential to make a diagnosis of our situation. The DAFO analysis is the simplest and most effective method for making future decisions. It helps us to plan the actions we should implement to take advantage of the opportunities detected and to prepare our organization against threats by being aware of our weaknesses and strengths. It sounds a bit methodical, but it is very effective if you make a first outline, and work together with your holistic therapist, transpersoanal psychologist or the person accompanying your change process.

I am sure that even if it is in an unconscious way you have used it at some time. Whether you have already gone through this situation or not, knowing what the SWOT is about will help you to know yourself better, to see your points of improvement. If it is a SWOT for decision making, it will certainly help you not to give an answer lightly.

To perform the SWOT correctly, we must be honest with ourselves and answer honestly to questions such as:

Let's assume that I am doing a SWOT for personal knowledge.

**WEAKNESSES - Internal Analysis

  • Do I have enough experience?
  • What should I improve?
  • What are the characteristics that keep me the farthest away from my goals?
  • Where am I failing more than others?
  • What attitudes or behaviors are preventing me from achieving my objectives?
  • What do others think or perceive as your weaknesses?
  • What skills or characteristics should I strengthen?

STRENGTHS - Internal Analysis** Strengths - Inner Analysis

  • What is my greatest virtue?
  • What activity am I most passionate about?
  • What do I do better than others?
  • What do I excel at?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What activities do I find most rewarding?
  • In what type of environment do I perform best?

**THREATS - External Analysis

  • What external issues make it difficult for me to reach my goals?
  • What external issues in my industry make it difficult for me to achieve my goals?
  • Is there a lot of competition in my industry?
  • What can affect me in the near future?
  • What changes may happen that could harm my project?
  • What problems may arise?

**OPPORTUNITIES - External analysis

  • What external aspects can make it easier for me to achieve my objectives?
  • What external resources do I have to achieve my objectives?
  • According to my strengths, what opportunities may appear or what doors may open for you?
  • What circumstances are more favorable?

SWOT for decision making

Although the example is oriented to internal work, you can use this tool to make decisions for change, you only need to adapt the questions to your situation.

I am going to use the case of Maria, a woman who asked for advice for an important decision in her life. After some years in Spain, her partner has been offered a job opportunity in his home country.

Faced with this situation, what to do?

The question that Maria asked is a question that has been asked many times by those of us who have migrated. I have been here for several years, my family is there, but here I am fine, I have there, I have here... I am in migratory mourning... How to overcome it?

Here is a small example of how to make a SWOT for decision making.

dofa-for-personal-life.webpI am sure that all of us at some point, with or without offer, have gone through this situation. The decision is not so easy to make, especially when some time has passed since you made your migration process(

It is important to remember that once you return, you are not the same, nor is the city the same, nor are those who stayed without the pampering. In the emotion of the migrant sometimes we are left with an emotional "photo" that for the unconscious seems that time does not pass, but the reality is that everything has changed, and you should count on it if you decide to go there.

For example:

What would be the best thing about going over there?

What would be the best thing about staying here?


✍Write down the answers, both to the questions and the SWOT, so you do a good exercise and don't cheat yourself, and look for someone external to accompany you in the fears, to help you confront your answers, to give you a look from the outside.

Many times in our minds we have the idea that a new situation is complicated, difficult or scary; however, when you use a tool like this, little by little you realize the strengths and all the possibilities that you can have and that you probably had not even seen before.

How can I accompany you in your journey of Emotional Healing?

The accompaniment begins with a session in which we will have an in-depth interview to know your story and make your emotional map. This will allow me to get to know you and guide the process of accompaniment.

From this first session, we will have a general map and I will propose an "Emotional Healing Journey Plan". Remember that in it I use all my resources: Transpersonal Psychology, Holistic Therapy, Energy Therapies, Ancestral Healing, Feminine Healing, Archetypes, Energy Healling, Intuitive Healing, Coaching, Biological Biodescodification (Bioneuroemotion), Counselling, _among others.** Accompanying you in a loving way to heal your process, **unwind the skein and weave a new story in your life.

During the process we will see each other periodically for follow-up and personalized support. The number of visits may change and is adapted to each person.

📱⌚ If you are looking for Holistic Therapy, you can see the alternatives of face-to-face sessions.

📱⌚ But if for time, comfort, or if you need it that way, I offer the alternative of On-line sessions.

📆 You decide the number of sessions, depending on what you need and how you go.

Dreamcatcher Oracle