Alejandra León

The 10 Types of Toxic Friends That Can Undermine Your Life: A View from Holistic Psychology

The 10 Types of Toxic Friends That Can Undermine Your Life: A View from Holistic Psychology, Energy Healing and Channeling

Having friends is a very important factor in maintaining balance, a good life and optimal health. However, in transcendental and important matters such as these, quality trumps quantity.

Friends can make your life better, be there for you in good times and bad, share memories and experiences, and have the power to make your problems seem less complicated. But what happens when a friend accompanies you in the midst of your problems? Is it the one who listens to you, supports you and confronts you, or is it the one who only talks about himself, criticizes you, confuses you, incites you to go against your values and involves you in whims and momentary pleasures?

There are friends of all kinds and for all tastes, as well as for every moment of life. However, today I want to talk about THE FRIEND, the true friend.

And, taking advantage of the spirit of "autumn cleaning", I invite you to identify those toxic friends and accept that perhaps instead of benefiting you, they are occupying a physical and emotional space in your life.

Here are the 10 "friends" you should consider if you want them in your life:

  1. The Gambler

If you're in a serious relationship, a friend who is constantly looking for new dates every night may not be the best for you. You don't need to cut him out completely, just set boundaries and make sure he understands that this isn't what you're looking for. The medium-term effects of getting sucked into this friend's hedonism can be devastating.

  1. The Addict (sports, games, food, sex, etc.)

Do you have a friend who misses out on important life and family moments because of their addiction? It's time to limit the time you spend with him. You don't need to get rid of him completely either, but don't let his bad habits cause you problems and let his "addiction" begin to affect other aspects of your life.

  1. The one who only wants you to get him a partner

It's not necessary to get rid of your friends just because they're single, but if that's the only topic they talk about and they only seem to be looking for you to introduce them to someone and get them a date, you should consider stepping back a bit and letting them do it for themselves at least once, until they realize that you're not a dating app.

  1. The Intermittent

This friend shows up from time to time, only when he's down, but not when you need him. He may have been a close friend at one time, but something changed over time and now you are only the recipient of his joys or sorrows. He is that friend who seeks you out only when the tide is too high or too low. Be careful, every time it appears you can invest a lot of time, emotions and listening, but when it disappears, you are left with a feeling of "I'll keep yours and also mine". In short, it is as if you were a "cistern" friend.

  1. Those who turn friendship into a competition

It's one thing to motivate each other to move forward with a friend, but it's completely different when the relationship turns into a competition, especially when envy and cheating comes into play to see who gets the furthest. The constant need to prove that you are better than the other person is not friendship, it's your huge EGO wanting to come to the fore. If your friend uses all your downfalls and flaws to compare themselves to you so they can feel more "pro", maybe you should remind them that friendship is about empowering rather than boycotting.

  1. The Manipulators

It's normal for our behavior to change slightly depending on which friends we're with. The problem arises when we realize that within a friendship we are playing a role that we do not like. If you have been gradually adapting your personality to what your friend expects from you, leaving aside what makes you truly you, it is time to rethink the basis of that relationship. A healthy friendship consists in sharing virtues and defects, not in molding the other according to our desires.

  1. Those who undermine your self-esteem

Friendship is a crucial support, especially when you are going through difficult times. It is in situations of doubt, problems and difficulties when a true friend shows his worth, not because he solves your problems for you, but because he reminds you that if you fall, he will help you get up. One of the fundamental aspects of any relationship is the importance of boosting each other's self-esteem, not destroying the other to feel superior. When a person belittles your accomplishments and tries to make you feel inferior, you need to reconsider why you are there.

  1. Those who drag you to the dark side

As mothers often say, "That child is a bad influence. Sometimes a friendship can subtly pull you to the dark side without you even realizing it. We overlook our friend's negative actions over and over again, justifying their behavior because they're stressed, they've had a few too many drinks, it'll be the last time, it's just a fling, etc. We begin to see it as normal and end up imitating it. If you think your friendship is taking you to the "dark side", the best thing to do is to walk away, even temporarily.

  1. The Inciter

This type of friend is a mixture of envy of what you have and at the same time encourages you to venture into what he considers "living the crazy life". He is that impulsive friend who goes from whim to whim, who finds it hard to settle down and whose head seems to be more for adorning his body than for thinking. If you have something moderately stable, it bothers him and he will try to unbalance you and your partner. In short, he is that friend who sells you a wonderful movie and invites you to live like him, but when you realize that you have given in to his seductive proposal, you feel more alone than ever, unbalanced and realize that the movie you bought was nothing more than a fleeting illusion that has now vanished.

  1. The Infidel

This friend who tries to cheat on your partner every time you go out together does nothing to improve your image or help you strengthen your relationship. An infidelity may be a forgivable mistake, but if it becomes habitual, you could end up paying the consequences.

Surely there are many more types of toxic friends, but I invite you, with a loving and compassionate look at yourself, to examine your friends and try to identify if any of them fit the descriptions I have given you. Perhaps some fit not just one category, but two or even three. If so, reflect on whether that friendship is truly good for you, for your physical, emotional and energetic health.

Now is the time to take action and take care of your circle of friends! Reflect on the types of toxic friends I have mentioned and evaluate if any of them are present in your life. If you identify someone who fits these descriptions, consider taking steps to protect yourself and improve your well-being.

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Set boundaries: If you have a friend who is not beneficial to you, set clear boundaries in the relationship. Communicate your needs and make sure they know what you expect from the friendship.

  • Gradually move away: If the toxicity is too harmful, consider gradually moving away from that person. You don't need to cut them out of your life completely, but reduce the time you spend with them and prioritize your well-being.

  • Seek healthy friendships: Focus on cultivating relationships with friends who support you, inspire you and make you feel good about yourself. Seek out people who share your values and push you toward personal growth.

  • Strengthen your self-esteem: Remember that your worth does not depend on the opinion of others. Work on strengthening your self-esteem and self-confidence. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you and value your true self.

  • Seek professional support: If you feel you need additional help to deal with toxic relationships or to heal any emotional damage, consider booking a holistic psychology, energy healing or channeling session with me. I can guide you in your healing process and provide you with tools to build healthier relationships.

Remember that your emotional and energetic well-being are fundamental to a full and balanced life - you deserve to surround yourself with friends who nurture, inspire and propel you forward! Take action today and cultivate meaningful relationships in your life.

If you would like to explore more about Holistic Numerology, Energy Healing, Intuitive Message - Psychic Mediumship, I invite you to visit the following links. I invite you to visit the following links that will provide valuable information.

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