Alejandra León



1- Don't panic** Don't panic.

Panicking will cause the command center to run a program, and it will set the program where it should. At that point, the person loses the coherent functional connection of the brain. Very often, people die in panic. The person should never panic or cause others to panic. We have to be extremely careful with our environment and especially with the one who receives from us. LOVE YOURSELF! Love yourselves and also love each other. LOVE YOURSELF has a double meaning of great therapeutic value. If one loves oneself, first, one will not make any conflict with oneself, neither of devaluation, nor of guilt. If you love others then you will not make any conflict with others.

NOT TO PANIC means that the sick person should never be frightened and THAT THERAPISTS should NEVER frighten the sick person. Otherwise, even a cold becomes incurable, as it will cause a generalization. To panic is to buy a one-way ticket. For example: to tell a mother in a I'm-sorry-very-sorry-lady-my-feel-most-sorry-I'm-sorry-I've-got-bad-news tone, that her little boy has leukemia is murder. Because leukemia is not a disease! It is the first of five natural biological steps of blood regeneration after a conflict whose biological response was anemia!

2- Enduring vagotonia.

Around 10 pm the peak impulse of vagotonia is normally triggered. The vagus nerve is the most powerful nerve in the organism: there is no way to beat sleep. This is our ancestral rhythm: man is a diurnal animal, in his biological code of ancient behavior of four million years, it is engraved that he must hunt, gather fruits, act during the day and rest at night. It is during the night that everything is automated so that the organism concentrates its work in the digestive tract.

We have less cerebral, cardiac, respiratory activity. It is usually at night that any disease becomes more unbearable because it is during this vagotonia that the brain repairs better and there can be more edemas. Something can be done to reduce these edemas to make it more bearable but only to reduce them because if they are prevented from acting, the repair will never be achieved, since the re-constitutive elements will not be able to repair. If the vagotonia is very strong, the head may feel hot to the point that one can shower the head and have the hair practically dry without using the hair dryer, simply because of the thermogenesis of conductivity. This happens when the head is "flattened" by biological edema: at that moment, YOU MUST HELP.

3- Every night, make the daily balance.

It is necessary to know if you have not "worked" too much during the day. If so, mandatory rest the next day (for major diseases such as cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc...). The sick person must be cured. He can do many things, but he must take care of his illness above all things. He must not wait for SOMEONE OR SOMETHING TO CURE HIM, he must be motivated. There is a double message in this. He should take care of himself, he should review his day in his head, take an interest in life, take notes, take stock. If he did too much, he should rest the next day because otherwise he gets too much stress, too much activity, so the brain goes back to sympathicotonia, stopping vagotonia. That is where the healing stops.

4- Every morning take a pencil and plan your day.

It is necessary to respect the plan and to foresee at least 6 hours of rest in addition to the night. These are the rules for the very sick and they have to fight against their anxieties. The wheelchair user will always want to attend many meetings to demonstrate and prove to himself that he can do what everyone else can do. IT IS AN ESCAPE REACTION, it is a perverse game. YOU HAVE TO CONCENTRATE ON YOUR HEALING because it is possible. You have to avoid getting into the stress of the action.

With 6 hours of rest, plus the night, we have enough vagotonia. The brain has an extraordinary strength to heal us in spite of everything we do against it (between the fears, the fights, the depressing or terrible messages we receive during the day and because of the actions).

5- Always do what is absolutely necessary first.

If that exceeds 3 hours of physical or psychological effort, we must stop what is superfluous and rest, with a joyful heart because we are doing the right thing to heal ourselves, and not the opposite. Most people become depressed, demoralized, afraid to rest: they have the STRESS OF THEIR PROBLEM, OF THEIR DECREPITUDE AND THAT IS A VERY STRONG SECONDARY CONFLICT. "I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE, I'M NO GOOD".

Doing what is absolutely necessary first will allow the person to prove to him/herself that he/she still exists, but the time must be timed. The sick person wants to prove that he/she can do, but if he/she spends 3 hours physically or psychologically, he/she must stop. The best thing to do is to read light, funny reading, watch funny movies and you can watch them as many times as you want if you rent them. It is the therapy by laughter, since if you stop at the news, with wars, accidents, or movies of death, of violence, you unconsciously over-stress with liminal and subliminal images. DURING RECOVERY, I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, I LOVE MYSELF, I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, I PAMPER MYSELF. IT IS VITAL. IT IS THE WAY TO HEAL. It is not enough to decode and accept (sometimes yes) but to respect the reparation as well.

6- Refuse all confrontation.

To recriminate, to argue with your environment is one of the biggest dramas that guarantee the relapse or the impossibility to heal. "I need you, your help and not your permanent opposition". Because one subtracts calories and forces of those that the brain needs to repair and when monopolizing the energy to fight generally the sick person is exposed to the judgment of those who surround him, and these do not know anything, they only speak for the sake of speaking and the sick person does not get out of the stress. Here I reproduce a phrase that Claude Sabbah attributes to his grandfather: "If people who have nothing to say would shut up, there would be a great silence on the surface of the Earth. It is always those who know nothing who cackle". Here we are talking about an elevation in the level of human consciousness.

7- Privilege the night's rest.

The human being is a diurnal being. All his basic biological rhythms are programmed on the basis of the solar rhythm. Of course, since the night for the sick person is usually the time of greatest pain, and in some cases with the unconscious anguish of "Will I wake up or will I die?", it is quite difficult to maintain these rhythms. You have to de-dramatize that. Also, since they haven't done too much during the day, they are not tired enough to sleep well at night. So, do not hesitate to modify the sleep schedule. Night rest should be favored as much as possible, but if this is not easy, one should not hesitate to stay awake until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, watching documentaries, drinking a coffee or two (coffee also reduces cerebral edema). In this way, the patient knows that they cannot sleep for a long time, so they hold out as long as they can: when they pass the usual period of great vagotonia, and after having indulged themselves in reading, writing, thinking healthily, positively, without stress... they go to sleep and get up at noon. Then, as they improve, they gradually return, one hour a day, to their normal schedule.

8- Eat healthy and light meals.

Salads, fruits, raw things, or grilled, so that it is easily assimilated. If you eat too much, digesting will consume a lot of calories and it is best to save as much as possible for healing.


**9- Heal normally if pain appears.

You can take allopathic and homeopathic remedies as usual, that will not jeopardize the healing.

10- Wait patiently for real improvement.

If one does not let oneself be frightened by the small or big inconveniences of the repair and waits by taking the best possible rest, the improvement will come. If the repair phase has passed its peak, the person will have so much edema that there may be annoying manifestations, such as pain, dizziness, fever if the edema is in the brain stem, malaise. This MUST NOT SCARE THE PERSON : it is not a question of serious things but of repair efforts. It is necessary to wait patiently without putting into action the idea of "being sounded" otherwise there is no cure. It is the principle of the person who has edema in his fibers and who thus aggravates for a time his motor difficulty in a multiple sclerosis, for example. Due to our ancestral culture based on the appearance of diseases, this leads us to panic, go to the hospital urgently, perfusion of corticoids in large quantities, which changes the person because he pumps all the edemas and stops hurting... but he is not cured and the process will begin perhaps with more violence.

11- Never stay too much in the sun or with the head close to a heat source.

The heat multiplies by four times the size of the cerebral edema. At that moment, an enormous pressure is exerted and there is a risk of a strong epileptic seizure. In general, it is recommended to avoid going out in the sun for a year, even in the sea. It is possible to be under the umbrella, to bathe, but only up to there. If the head is near a heat source, the same thing. IT IS ADVISABLE TO PUT ICE ON THE HEAD.

Dr. Hamer mentions a typical case: the businessman who has serious inconveniences because his company is very bad in December. In January, his wife and children go on vacation to the sea for a month. On January 15, the man solves his problem and saves his company. He goes to join his family at the beach and goes sunbathing: what he doesn't know yet is that he has just come out of a psychological conflict of losing territory. Of course, like none of us in fact, he does not make the connection between the headache, his conflict and the sun that is aggravating his edemas. He has his crisis on the beach itself and leaves by ambulance.

**12- If the problem is very important, freeze the painful parts and the head 12- If the problem is very important, freeze the painful parts and the head.

If the liver hurts for example, it is necessary to put ice on the liver and also on the place of the neural control of the liver in the head, that is to say on the brain stem, under the nape of the neck, in the upper part of the neck. If the cold does not calm the pain in the organ, then you should put heat on the organ, BUT ALWAYS COLD ON THE HEAD, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. It is recommended to buy these "cold hot packs" and always have 4 on hand: 2 in the freezer, 2 on the person, to be changed every hour. If it is very violent, put ice in both places and take a hot foot bath, the temperature difference will make the liquid circulate mechanically and therefore reduce the edema a little.

13- Never soothe the symptoms too much.

Painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken to make the symptoms bearable. The symptoms will stop on their own when the command center decides so. As long as there is a symptom, it needs to be there. It is of paramount importance. For example, if you stabbed a glass in your foot, it will hurt while it heals and it will be sensitive, but it is precisely so that it does not aggravate the wound (if it did not hurt you would continue walking without taking care of the wound and would not allow it to heal: that is the function of pain). We must never forget that the brain is NEVER wrong. If there is pain, it is because the brain says: "Let's rest". We must respect this innate intelligence that has allowed us to survive for so many millions of years.

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