Alejandra León

The beautiful truth / La hermosa verdad

The Beautiful Truth "** ** The Beautiful Truth

Interesting film to reflect on the subject of food, health and cancer.

We have an ethical responsibility to eat healthily, to continue to stay conscious in this Great Shift of Consciousness of the Earth and its Humanity.

The documentary is about the Gerson therapy for the cure of cancer and other "incurable degenerative diseases" by traditional medicine as seen from the perspective of a 15 year old boy.

The documentary embarks the protagonist on a series of journeys, in which various characters give different points of view, either concerning the therapy itself or orthodox medicine, opening a door to the realities that modern society does or does not allow us to know. We are what we eat... "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" (Hippocrates, 460-370 BC).

The film has several and diverse readings, the important thing from my point of view, is the positive that you can keep from it.

Dreamcatcher Oracle