Alejandra León

The body speaks about our emotions

emotional pain

"Illness is a conflict between the personality and the soul." (Bach)

I recently received this small summary of emotions manifested in the body, which I want to share with you today.

The cold "drips" when the body does not cry.

The sore throat "Clogs" when it is not possible to communicate the afflictions.

Stomach "Burns" when rages fail to come out.

Diabetes "Invades" when loneliness hurts.

The body "Fattens" when dissatisfaction squeezes.

Headache "Depresses" when doubts increase.

The heart "Loosens" when the meaning of life seems to end.

Allergy "Appears" when perfectionism is intolerable.

Nails "Break" when defenses are threatened.

Chest "Tightens" when pride enslaves.

Pressure "Rises" when fear imprisons.

Neuroses "Paralyze" when the inner child tyrannizes.

Fever "Heats up" when defenses explode the borders of immunity.

Knees "Hurt" when your pride won't bend.

And you, what pains do you keep?

How do they speak in your body?

Illness is not bad, it simply warns you that you are taking the wrong road and it is time to stop** and see what is going on in your life, your surroundings and your relationships.

Remember that in this life MISTAKES or better called LEARNINGS are allowed.

Give yourself permission to ask for help, there are always FRIENDS or FAMILY. Look for a good support network for when you need it. We all need it at some point in life.

**Explore your body, your emotions, and little by little discover what is happening in it.

And if you feel you can't do it alone, seek help, **Have someone to accompany you in the process.

And don't forget, Listen to positive messages and surround yourself with people who believe in you..

Dare to try it.

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Thank you for reading and sharing,

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