Alejandra León

The Demand to Reach All: A Reflection after a Holistic Healing Session

The demand to fulfill all: a reflection after a holistic healing session

At this very moment, we find ourselves in a territory that departs from what we consider normal and everyday. We were not prepared to face this situation; no one warned us that this would be our scenario.

You may feel the expectation to be all-encompassing, to do your best in all areas of your life: home, work, children, partner and more. However, I want to remind you that this is not a "NORMAL" scenario. Allow yourself to lower the bar, adjust your own expectations and say out loud, "I can't take it anymore." It's okay to set boundaries and, if necessary, delegate responsibility.

Reducing your expectations and demands does not mean letting yourself down, although it may feel that way. Rather, it means accepting with compassion that the moment we are living in differs from the usual. There will be things that will get out of your hands, moments when you will feel exhausted, when you will want to scream, despair and even throw everything away, to a faraway place.

Lowering your expectations and demands on yourself is an act of self-love. It means lovingly accepting that there are elements and situations that are out of your control. It is letting go of the urge to control and being content to do what you can, knowing that this is enough. It is not necessary to give yourself body and soul to 150%, because sooner or later that will take its toll.

So I propose a negotiation with yourself: start reducing the pressure to reach everything, to face every challenge, to tackle every task. It is not necessary to be the 10 guy or girl in all areas of your life.

Reflect on this:

Where does your expectation to be all-encompassing stand in the midst of what you're living?
What pact with yourself do you need to redefine?
Have you ever felt like you can't take it anymore?
Have you felt the need to let it all go?
Have you found yourself in a situation where your life feels like an elastic stretched to the limit?

One of the people I accompanied in a Holistic Healing session came in exhausted, expressing that she could not go on. She was sick and felt that her capacity was exhausted. She needed to stop. I then remembered a poignant passage from the book "The Language of Goodbye" by Melody Beattie, which talks about strength and its meaning at times like these.

Sending you a hug and wishing you a day full of reflections and self pity.

With love,

Alejandra Leon,


Dreamcatcher Oracle