Alejandra León

The Grieving Process: Lessons from This is Us for Coping with the Loss of a Loved One

Today we will dive into a profound and universal topic: grief management. We will focus our attention on a series that has captured the hearts of millions of people in the United States: "This is Us". Through this moving story, we will explore the lessons it offers us on the path of emotional healing and the grieving process.

Grief is a journey full of challenges and overwhelming emotions. It is at this time, when we are at our most vulnerable, that we need support and understanding to rebuild our world after a significant loss. Many people feel confused and disoriented, wondering how they should feel, what they should do and whether what they are experiencing is normal.

In "This is Us," the television series, we delve into the lives of a family and witness their experiences and challenges throughout the grieving process. Through the characters, we can identify different stages and symptoms of grief, such as denial, anger, sadness and acceptance. This gives us the opportunity to explore our own emotions and find comfort in the shared experience.

By allowing ourselves to feel and express our sadness, anger and grief, we open space for the process of healing and inner transformation. It is through acceptance and compassion for ourselves that we find the strength to move forward.

From my experience as an expert in Holistic psychology and grief work, I want to make an appeal to those who are in the midst of this process: you are not alone and there are resources available to help you overcome loss. I invite those who are seeking to heal their wounds to consider taking a grief course, where they can receive tools and support to walk this path with greater peace of mind and understanding.

In conclusion, grief management is a complex and personal process. "This is Us" offers us a window into the grieving process and reminds us of the importance of embracing our emotions and seeking healing from a holistic and energetic perspective. May we learn from this series and apply these teachings in our own journey toward overcoming loss.


Today I want to make a special call, especially to those who are going through the painful process of grief. I invite you to join our Grief Course: How to Overcome the Loss of a Loved One, where together we will explore powerful tools and healing paths that will help you find peace and renewal in the midst of loss.

It's time to release the weight of grief and begin to heal. Allow yourself the gift of honoring your loved ones and rebuilding your life in a meaningful and purposeful way.

With love and compassion,

Alejandra Léon,

If you wish to explore more about holistic psychology and energy healing, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:




Videos to improve your self-esteem - Holistic Psychology

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