Alejandra León

The Transformative Power of a Conversation with your Grandmother

Today I experienced a beautiful connection when someone shared a video with me, praising my therapies. Every time people remember me in this way, I feel a deep gratitude.

However, after that moment, nostalgia came over me. Despite carrying a mole on my skin that connects to my maternal line, I never had the opportunity to physically sit and talk with my grandmothers; I always did so in "virtual" space. The tragedy of war took one of them when my mother was an infant, and the other completed her life cycle shortly after my birth. But these are my roots, and sharing my story is my way of exploring the stories of parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, opening horizons, strengthening us and healing generational transmissions.

"By listening to our elders, we heal stories of deep pain. We discover missing loved ones and better understand the history of other peoples. Understanding the truth means knowing all perspectives, without judgment. Welcoming a stranger into our home, without prejudice, brings us extraordinary love stories. Listening to Rozalén talk about her grandmother has been a pure source of inspiration. Knowing these stories and their protagonists allowed her to create the most significant album of her career, hoping that her music and songs will transcend borders. She encourages us to talk to our elders because a simple conversation can change the course of our lives. She assures that our lives will change.

This reflection underscores the importance of connecting with our ancestors and listening to their stories, an act that can have a profound impact on our present and future.

The Importance of Intergenerational Relationships

Intergenerational relationships, according to Bert Hellinger, a leading systemic therapist, are crucial to our lives and well-being. We are the result of a long chain of ancestors, each contributing to our being here today.

Here are some reasons to highlight the importance of these relationships:

  • Transmission of values and culture: previous generations bring knowledge, experiences and traditions that enrich the lives of younger generations, preserving family identity.

  • Emotional and social support: These relationships provide a strong emotional support system, where younger generations learn from the experiences of their elders.

-Personal growth and development: They contribute to personal growth and the development of social skills at all ages, fostering empathy and resilience.

  • Conflict resolution and healing: Bert Hellinger introduced family constellations to address intergenerational issues and resolve conflicts rooted in the family system.

  • Connection and sense of belonging: They provide a sense of belonging and connection to family history and tradition, building identity and rootedness.

  • The Transformative Power of a Conversation with your Grandparents

**Conversations with our grandparents can be powerful tools for emotional healing and reconciliation, especially when approached from the perspective of family constellations and biological decoding. These conversations complement my holistic healing approaches.

  • Exploration of family dynamics: Family constellations identify family patterns and dynamics, allowing for a better understanding of past events and current tensions.

  • Healing of ancestral wounds: Through these constellations, we address and heal emotional wounds passed down from generation to generation, understanding and accepting past events.

  • Reconciliation and understanding: They promote greater understanding and empathy between generations, eliminating misunderstandings and building bridges of knowledge.

  • Integration of ancestral wisdom: Grandparents, with their accumulated wisdom, enrich decision making and family problem solving.

Transformation awaits, and it is time to begin a journey of healing and growth! Don't miss the opportunity to experience a healing session with Alejandra, whether to clarify your path, free yourself from limiting patterns or connect with your inner self, book now!

If you would like to learn more about holistic psychology, energy healing, as well as explore ancestral and shamanic healing practices, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:.

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