Alejandra León

The Transformative Power of the Family Tree: Healing Through Ancestry and Transgenerational Healing

The family tree, our ancestors, the transgenerational, are terms we use to refer to an essential part of our history and healing.

Our ancestors are like a map that guides us towards understanding ourselves and the possibility of healing ourselves. In their legacy, we find not only their blood, genetics and physical characteristics, but also a rich world of unconscious influences that we often carry without being aware of it.

I will tell you about Maria's case. Her experience began with the image of a straight line, where all the members of her family were on the same level, with no space or freedom. This representation symbolized the pressure and lack of space in her life, which made her feel lost and overwhelmed. Maria described her situation as having "a blank sheet of paper," with no clear purpose beyond what was expected of her.

However, during the session, Maria began to make space for those who came before her in her family. She felt their presence and support, allowing herself to flow in life and regain the freedom to be herself. She stopped living the lives of others and began to write her own story.

What happens in a transgenerational healing session, such as family constellations, may seem magical, but in reality it is a mixture of work on the conscious and unconscious levels. In this process, we can integrate the different members of our family, especially our parents.

If you are having difficulty fully integrating your parent into your life, this is likely to manifest itself in blockages in your prosperity, professional problems or difficulties in building your own identity.

What is the solution, how can we heal this connection with our ancestors? Here are some keys:

Understand and accept that mom and dad, as well as grandparents and great-grandparents, fulfilled unconscious programs and loyalties. This understanding allows us to let go of what no longer belongs to us and take charge of our own history.

Assume our place as children with mom and dad, regardless of the roles we have had to play in the family.

Honor mom and dad for giving us life, recognizing the simple fact of their contribution to our existence.

From a holistic healing perspective, identify and release the beliefs and loyalties that limit us, preventing us from growing and developing fully.

Take what is beneficial from our ancestors and return what no longer serves us with love and respect.

Healing the family tree or transgenerational can be accomplished in a variety of ways, and family constellations are a powerful tool for this purpose.

Remember that the routes may vary, but the destination must be your well-being in the here and now. This is my holistic healing perspective, and it is the basis of my work in each session.

I invite you to reflect on the following questions:

What is your relationship with your parents like and what is your place in the family?
If you had a blank page to write a new story in your life, what would you write on it?

With love,

Alejandra León,


If you wish to learn more about holistic psychology, energy healing, as well as explore ancestral and shamanic healing practices, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:.

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