Alejandra León

Today marks 13 years since I arrived in Spain.

Terapia Holística y Transpersonal Alejandra León Madrid (2)](/img/terapia-holc3adstica-y-transpersonal-alejandra-lec3b3n-madrid-2-1.webp)

Today I celebrate 13 years since I arrived in Spain, carrying with me a backpack full of illusion, some pieces of expectation and a touch of fear.

These 13 years have been a deep and transformative journey, marked by the liberation from the security of a corporate job to fully embrace what I love: transpersonal psychology and holistic therapies. Along the way, I have had the opportunity to travel, learn continuously (a passion I hope to never give up), connect with this land and its wonderful people, expand professionally, write a book, launch my courses, enjoy moments of cooking and painting, and find peace in my home.

When I look back, I feel a deep gratitude for the land that has welcomed me with so much love, and for its people (even if at first their style seemed reserved and energetic). I have come to understand them in the context of their history, their family ties, their fears and their generosity.

My gratitude extends to all the people who have crossed my path. Some have challenged me, some have brought me to tears, and some have let me down or betrayed me. There have been ups and downs; however, each of those experiences has helped build me up. I am grateful for the doors that were closed, the rejections I faced, and the hurtful words I heard because of my South American background. I am also thankful for those who opened their homes and hearts to me, for the people who have trusted me to guide them on their healing journey, and for my friends, my home, my space and all that I am and own today. Thank you.

This new year marks a special beginning, where a part of me is saying goodbye to make way for a profound transformation. I am experiencing this metamorphosis, a death and rebirth of my way of being and working. Yes, this year I am connecting more with my magical side, my more witchy and esoteric essence, as some might say.

In the coming months, I will continue to connect with my guides and beings of light to continue my soul mission and life purpose. Through this connection, I ask for light to be guided and inspired to accompany others on their path to growth and consciousness. May my presence on this earth continue to bear abundant fruit, as much as I have received.

If you are an immigrant like me, what would you like to thank Madrid, Spain or the place that has welcomed you on your journey?

I would love to read you and share in this spiritual reflection.

Alejandra León,


If you wish to learn more about holistic psychology, energy healing, as well as explore ancestral and shamanic healing practices, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:.

🧚♂ If you want to know the meaning of other numbers, Holistic Numerology 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 ,888 ,999 ,1010 and more. You have an amazing playlist on my channel

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