Alejandra León

Tracing Our Path of Nationhood: Discover the Power of Your Family Tree with Alejandra León

Holistic and transgenerational psychology

Holistic psychology reveals itself as a jewel in my journey as a psychologist, a discipline that I embrace with fervor and devotion. It stands as an integral approach to the healing of the individual, recognizing our multidimensional nature, composed of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects, all interconnected in harmony.

At the core of this sacred practice, we honor the uniqueness of each person, understanding that their well-being cannot be addressed in isolation. Rather than focusing on specific symptoms or problems, we immerse ourselves in the wholeness of the human being and their connection to the environment.

The holistic approach invites us to explore the profound influence and intricate interplay of every aspect of life. Through this comprehensive look, we unveil how emotions and thoughts impact the body, how past experiences shape the present and how spirituality becomes a crucial actor in the theater of healing.

In my sessions, I engage in listening with empathy and understanding, creating a safe and welcoming sanctuary where each individual can explore their challenges and strengths from a holistic perspective. Through therapeutic techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, client-centered approach and guided meditation, I guide my clients towards deep healing and personal empowerment.

Holistic psychology does not simply seek to alleviate suffering in the present, but also to foster personal growth and flourishing in all corners of life. My unwavering faith lies in each individual's ability to heal and find a harmonious balance between mind, body and spirit.

Through this beautiful discipline, we immerse ourselves in the wholeness of our being, freeing ourselves from limiting patterns and discovering the true essence that lies deep within.

The family tree and its deep meaning in our lives

The family tree is a powerful tool we use in transgenerational psychology to explore the family history of each individual. It is like a window into the past, showing us the relationships and connections between past and present generations.

Imagine the family tree as a majestic tree, with its roots plunging into the past and its branches extending into the future. Each leaf and branch represents our ancestors, from our grandparents to the generations that will come after us. Each name on the tree tells a unique story, a story that shapes and influences us, even if we are sometimes unaware of it.

Through the family tree, we can explore the experiences, patterns and emotions passed down through the generations. Sometimes these inheritances can be positive and empowering, while other times they can carry with them emotional burdens or dysfunctional patterns that affect our present life.

Let me share an example to illustrate this. Suppose that in someone's family history, there is a tendency to repeat toxic relationships or experiences of abandonment. By exploring the family tree, we may discover that this dynamic has been passed down through several generations. Perhaps there was an ancestor who also faced difficult relationships or experiences of loss and left an emotional imprint on the family.

By understanding these connections, we can free ourselves from limiting patterns and become aware of how these past experiences affect us in the present. Through transgenerational psychology, we can heal emotional wounds and free ourselves from the burdens we unconsciously carry.

The family tree becomes a powerful tool for healing and transformation. It gives us the opportunity to release the past and create a more conscious future full of possibilities.

So I invite you to dive into the wonderful exploration of your family tree and discover the treasures hidden in its roots! I am here to guide you on this exciting journey of self-knowledge and healing.

The role of the transgenerational in our emotions.

The importance of understanding how the experiences, emotions and behavioral patterns of our ancestors can influence our lives today is central to the approach of Family Constellations and transgenerational psychology. As an expert in psychology, I have witnessed how this deep understanding can have a transformative impact on people's lives.

In Family Constellations, it is recognized that we are part of a larger family system, and that unresolved experiences or unexpressed conflicts in previous generations can resonate with us and affect our present well-being. Some concrete examples of how this manifests itself are:

  • Emotional inheritance: if an ancestor experienced significant trauma, such as war, abuse or traumatic loss, it is possible for their unprocessed emotions to be passed down through the generations. This can result in anxiety, irrational fears or trust issues in the present, without the person being aware of the root of the problem.

  • Behavioral patterns: Behavioral patterns, such as the way we handle conflict, our intimate relationships, or our professional careers, can also be influenced by past family dynamics. For example, if an ancestor faced relationship difficulties, it is possible that these patterns will be repeated in their descendants.

  • Invisible loyalties: In some cases, we may feel an unconscious loyalty to an ancestor who suffered exclusion or was forgotten in the family. This can lead us to feel tied to similar destinies, repeating situations of pain or sacrifice without knowing why.

  • Unrecognized losses: If a family member died early or in tragic circumstances, it is possible that his or her presence has not been adequately recognized in the family dynamics. This can lead the living to carry the burden of that loss without realizing it.

The Family Constellations approach and transgenerational psychology seeks to unravel these invisible threads that connect the past to the present. By addressing these hidden influences and releasing the emotions and burdens we have carried for generations, the possibility opens up for profound transformation and greater freedom to live a fuller, more authentic life.

The importance of healing dysfunctional family patterns or emotional wounds

Exploring and healing dysfunctional family patterns or unresolved emotional wounds that are repeated throughout the generations is of utmost importance in holistic psychology. As an expert in psychology, I understand the importance of addressing these aspects in order to achieve integral transformation and liberation.

**Patterns of emotional dependency
Imagine a person who, throughout his or her family history, has witnessed emotionally dependent relationships between his or her parents and grandparents. It is possible that this person, without realizing it, replicates these same patterns in their current relationships, unconsciously seeking that same dynamic. From a holistic perspective, the origins of these emotional dependencies are explored, identifying the limiting beliefs that sustain them and working on releasing them to allow for healthier and more authentic relationships.

**Abandonment wounds
An individual may be carrying abandonment wounds in their family tree, even if they have not directly experienced abandonment in their life. These wounds may be rooted in experiences of abandonment in previous generations, and may manifest in feelings of insecurity or difficulty trusting others. From the holistic perspective, we seek to heal these wounds on an emotional and energetic level, allowing the individual to experience a greater sense of security and self-esteem.

**Unresolved Trauma
Unresolved trauma in the family's past can have a lasting impact on future generations. For example, if an ancestor experienced war or a traumatic situation, their emotional legacy can affect subsequent generations, even if they have no conscious knowledge of the traumatic event. Holistic psychology works to release and heal these traumatic wounds, allowing the individual to free themselves from emotional burdens that have been passed down through time.

Addressing these issues from a holistic psychology perspective involves going beyond superficial solutions and considering the whole individual: mind, body, emotions and spirit. Diverse therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, somatic therapy, meditation and emotional release techniques, are used to achieve deep healing and lasting transformation.

Holistic psychology recognizes that we are interconnected beings with our family history, and by healing the wounds of the past, we can free ourselves from dysfunctional patterns and experience greater freedom and well-being in our current lives.

The family tree is a valuable tool in holistic psychology.

The study of the family tree is a valuable tool in holistic psychology, as it gives us the opportunity to reconnect with our roots and understand the strength of our family history. This deep reconnection can lead us to a greater understanding of who we are and strengthen our identity in a meaningful way.

Exploring the family tree from a transgenerational perspective allows us to discover patterns and experiences that have been passed down through the generations, influencing our lives today in ways we may not be aware of.

**Understanding patterns of relationships
By exploring the family tree, we can identify recurring patterns in our ancestors' relationships. For example, if we see that several family members have experienced troubled relationships or difficulties in establishing healthy bonds, this could help us understand why we face similar challenges in our own relationships. This understanding allows us to break negative cycles and develop more loving and harmonious relationships.

**Inheriting family talents and gifts.
In addition to understanding difficulties, studying the family tree can also reveal talents and gifts we have inherited from our ancestors. For example, discovering that several generations of our family have been artists, musicians or healers gives us a greater understanding of our own passion and abilities. Recognizing and honoring these talents allows us to connect with our creativity and purpose in a deeper way.

**Embracing Family Resilience
By studying family history, we can also discover examples of resilience and overcoming that have been passed down through time. For example, if we find that our ancestors have faced difficult challenges and have come through, we can be inspired by their strength and use their example as a guide in our own struggles and challenges.

Reconnecting with our roots through family tree study allows us to honor our ancestors and recognize how their experiences have influenced our lives today. By understanding the richness and complexity of our family history, we can embrace our identity more deeply and authentically, and thus find a greater sense of belonging and purpose in the world.

Through holistic psychology and the transgenerational approach, this exploration invites us to heal and release inherited patterns that may be limiting our growth and well-being. In doing so, we open ourselves to new possibilities and allow ourselves to live more fully and harmoniously in our present lives.

Have you ever done your family tree?

A family tree is a graphic representation that shows the identity of your ancestors and descendants in an organized and systematic way, simulating the structure of a large tree with its corresponding branches.

How to start:

  1. Gather the material you already have.

The first step is to gather all the available information to which you have easy access, that is, ask your closest relatives and acquaintances: uncles, cousins, siblings, childhood friends and neighbors or even your parents if they are still alive. They will know better than anyone the identity of those people who are no longer around and who at some point were fundamental pillars of the family. You can also use letters, family books, military records, wills, photographs or old stories to locate more relatives.

  1. Start the research

Once you've finished the first round of queries and the first sketch of your family tree, it's time to dig deeper. Surely, on more than one occasion, you will draw a blank and not know where to turn. However, there are many sources that can be of great help: Civil Registry, Provincial Historical Archives, Parish Archives, among others.

  1. See

situations, experiences, symptoms that are carried from generation to generation (up to 4 generations, our great-great-grandparents) Events or situations such as losses (deaths, abortions, accidents, illnesses, abandonments, breakups, dismissals, etc.), conscious and many unconscious inheritances that make up our family loyalty and that need to be repaired, healed and honored; in this way here and now we can let go and return to the ancestors what we no longer need to carry.

  1. Your family name

If at any given moment you come across a strange surname or one that provokes you some curiosity, do not hesitate to study its origin, because in many cases the family tree can cross borders.

To heal the family tree or transgenerational tree there are many ways and tools, one of them is this one.

"Remember, the routes can be varied, the essential thing is that the destination is your highest and best well-being here and now."

It is the perspective of a holistic healing, elaborating the duels that are necessary, letting go, healing, accepting, and above all allowing yourself to BE TODAY. This is basically my way of working in each of the Transgenerational sessions.

If you are ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and healing, I invite you to book a session with me, Alejandra León, expert in holistic and transgenerational psychology.

In this session, we will explore together your family roots through the study of the family tree, unraveling patterns and emotional wounds that may be affecting your life today. From a holistic perspective, we will work on releasing burdens that have been passed down over time, allowing you to open up to new possibilities and find greater balance and wholeness.

Whether you wish to understand your relationships more deeply, release emotional blockages or discover and honor your inherited talents, I will accompany you in this process with compassion and ancient wisdom.

If you wish to delve deeper into holistic psychology and energy healing, as well as explore ancestral and shamanic healing practices, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:.

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