Alejandra León

Transform Your Life in 21 Days: 100 Powerful Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration and Strengthen Your Self-Esteem

Dear seeker of light,

At this crucial moment before I leave Spain for Louisiana Northshore, I offer you a divine gift: a sacred audio filled with 100 powerful affirmations that will guide you towards your life transformation. These affirmations, created with love and knowledge in holistic healing and holistic psychology, will help you raise your vibration and manifest the health, love and abundance you deserve.

I invite you to listen to these affirmations with attention, allowing each word to penetrate deep within you. Feel the resonance in your body and soul as you connect with the divine energy and power that lies within you.

For best results, I recommend listening to this audio for 21 consecutive days. This sacred time will allow your mind to accept and assimilate the new thought patterns that will lead you to a full and happy life.

Remember that any lasting change requires time and dedication. Be consistent in your daily practice, allowing these affirmations to nourish your mind and strengthen your self-esteem. With each repetition, you will cultivate a positive mindset and discover the confidence and serenity necessary to face life's challenges.

I am deeply grateful that you allow me to be a part of your path of growth and transformation. As your spiritual guide and healer, my purpose is to help you find the inner peace and happiness you long for. Share your experiences and comments with me, and you will find in them my unconditional support.

Always remember my name, Alejandra León, your holistic psychologist, ready to guide you towards a full and happy life. Allow me to be your companion in this journey towards self-transcendence.

Whenever and wherever you need a boost of energy and motivation, you can listen to these 100 affirmations. Let their power raise your vibration and manifest health, love and abundance in your life.

With gratitude and divine love,

You can also deepen in this wonderful open course of**Psychology of the CHAKRAS**.




Videos to improve your self-esteem - Holistic Psychology

Dreamcatcher Oracle