Alejandra León

Weaving Healing Threads: A Holistic Encounter in Times of Confinement

We are already in the third Sunday of confinement, and the traces of fatigue are reflected in our bodies and souls. We talk with friends near and far, sharing learnings and evaluating the week's experiences. Fear and anguish creep in between words, as we search for ways to sustain ourselves in the midst of physical distance.

In this moment of connection, I observe weary faces trying to stay strong, lips trembling before releasing sobs and tears running down cheeks. Emotions stir in the midst of this confinement, but we find ways to embrace each other without touching, to imagine a future filled with hope.

And so, we ask each other: How are you feeling? How do you feel? This is the opening of our encounters, whether with family, friends or close loved ones. And so is my situation as well. In the midst of this weaving of experiences, I hold the needles and the ball, allowing myself to rest, to cry at 8 o'clock at night and to find strength in meditation and prayer.

If you find yourself in a place of need, searching, or simply wish to share your emotions, I want you to know that I am here to support you. Through holistic healing and online therapies, we can explore together ways to ease the emotional burden, to find calm in the midst of the storm. If you feel it is time to seek help, I invite you to take action and connect with me. I am here to accompany you in this process.

With love,

Alejandra León,


If you wish to go deeper into holistic psychology and energy healing, as well as explore ancestral and shamanic healing practices, I invite you to visit the following links that will provide you with valuable information:.

🔮 Online Oracle

🌟 Discover your true value and cultivate a healthy self-esteem with Holistic Psychology**🎨

Coloring Book. Relieve stress, relax and practice art therapy

Discover the Transforming Power of Affirmations: Elevate Your Life with Words of Power**. A wonderful gift for your soul.

Dreamcatcher Oracle