Alejandra León

What does ABUNDANCE mean to you?

Recently, while reading a post about abundance, success and other aspirations, I came across a description that left me thinking: "I wake up at 4 am, meditate, then spend two hours at the gym, follow a healthy diet, work more than 10 hours a day, create content for my channel, manage my team and never turn off my phone on weekends (because a successful person must always be available). In my free time, I study and seek to learn, even while I sleep... don't waste your time, he said, take the opportunity to read a book..." The list seemed endless, and just reading it, I felt exhausted.

Then I asked myself: What kind of abundance is this? Clearly, it's not what I want. I'm not comfortable with it. If you follow me, you know that one of my pillars of abundance is "ABUNDANCE OF TIME". Some might ask, what for? I will tell you it is not to fill my time with more work, but to balance my work with enjoyment. It's not that I don't enjoy my work, I love it! I'm talking about enjoyment beyond work.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Now, I ask you: How many minutes a day do you dedicate to enjoyment? I mention it in minutes to make it more concrete. I invite you to take stock and answer from the heart. What is your answer?

But let's go further. In life, abundance and enjoyment go hand in hand. I am not referring only to abundance in terms of money, but to "ABUNDANCE" in its broadest sense.

Now, I want to hear from you: What does "ABUNDANCE" mean to you? In what area of your life do you feel you are truly abundant?

Different types of abundance

Abundance is a concept that goes far beyond material wealth. It is about experiencing fulfillment and satisfaction in multiple aspects of life. Here we will explore how abundance can be experienced in various areas:

Health: Health is a fundamental form of abundance. Having a strong, balanced body and mind is a priceless treasure. Abundance in health translates into vitality, energy, and physical and emotional well-being.

Relationships: Experiencing abundance in relationships involves having meaningful and loving connections with friends, family and loved ones. These relationships are filled with mutual support, love and understanding.

Happiness: Abundance in terms of happiness means finding joy and satisfaction in the little things in life. It is about appreciating the everyday moments of joy and gratitude.

  • Spirituality: Spiritual abundance relates to connection to something greater than oneself. It can be through religion, meditation, introspection or personal exploration. It involves feeling at peace and in harmony with the universe.

  • Knowledge: The constant pursuit of knowledge and learning can be a form of abundance. The more we learn, the more we enrich ourselves and expand our minds.

  • Creativity: Abundance in creativity means having the freedom to express your creativity in a variety of ways, whether through art, music, writing or any other medium. Creativity enriches our lives in unimaginable ways - Time: Having free time and control over how we use it is a form of abundance. This allows us to devote ourselves to what really matters and fills us with joy.

  • Resources: While material wealth is a form of abundance, it is also about having the resources necessary to live a comfortable and fulfilling life, such as a home, food, clothing, and access to education and health care.

  • Self-love: Abundance in self-love involves having deep self-esteem and self-acceptance. You treat yourself with kindness and value yourself as you deserve.

  • Nature: Abundance is found in the beauty and abundance of the nature that surrounds us. Connecting with the natural world can fill us with awe and gratitude.

The role of gratitude

  • From a spiritual and holistic perspective, positive mindset and attitude are critical in creating abundance, even as we consider concepts such as the metaverse and parallel worlds. Here are some ideas and practices that can help in understanding this connection from a holistic healing approach and a spiritual healer's tone:

  • Mindset as a creator of realities: In the metaverse and spirituality, it is believed that our beliefs and thoughts have the power to shape our reality. Having a positive mindset involves believing in abundance, in the possibility of wishes coming true and in the ability to co-create our experience. Visualize your abundant life in the metaverse and feel that reality as present.

  • Attitude of gratitude towards the future: Instead of passively waiting for a prosperous future, thank the "future you" for the blessings and abundance you are attracting into your life. This practice not only connects you to the positive energy of the future, but also sets a positive expectation for what is to come.

  • Holistic Healing to Release Blockages: Holistic healing addresses emotional, mental and spiritual blockages that can get in the way of creating abundance. It practices energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, meditation or regression therapy, to release blockages and limiting patterns that may be preventing abundance from flowing.

    Conscious creation in parallel worlds: Consider the idea that there are parallel worlds where all possibilities already exist. With a positive mindset and a clear intention, you can connect with these worlds and increase your awareness of them.

Mantras and affirmations: Use daily affirmations and mantras to strengthen your positive mindset and attitude. Repeat affirmations such as "I am a magnet for abundance" or "The universe conspires in my favor". These affirmations reinforce your belief in abundance and attract it to you.

Attuning to the frequency of abundance: Imagine that abundance is an energetic frequency. Through meditation and visualization, tune into this frequency. Feel in harmony with the energy of abundance and allow it to flow through you.

Share and serve from abundance: True abundance also involves sharing and serving others. As you experience abundance in your life, find ways to give and contribute to the community and the world at large. The act of giving amplifies the abundance you receive.

Remember that creating abundance is not just about material goods, but a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in all aspects of life. Positive mindset and attitude are powerful tools on the path to this holistic abundance. Connect with your inner self, trust the process and cultivate an abundance mindset on your spiritual and holistic healing journey.

Alejandra Leon,


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