Alejandra León

Wounds of the soul that prevent you from moving forward


This morning while I was searching and reading, I found in the group of healing women this beautiful material, which I want to share with you today. I think it is a good way to begin to understand what our blockages are, give us permission to close the wounds, to move forward, but above all to start the path of healing and love that we need.

Our soul chooses the parents and circumstances of birth for very precise reasons. We come to experience a series of experiences to heal a series of wounds, and thus integrate the personality with the soul. We come to learn to accept and unconditionally love parts of ourselves that have hitherto lived ignored and in fear. We are drawn to parents with wounds like ours to remind us what we have come to love.

Learning to accept our wounds is learning to be responsible and to love ourselves unconditionally, and that is the key to transformation and healing of the soul.

Have you ever noticed that when you accuse someone of something, that person accuses you of the same thing? Check it out with the other person, and besides being surprised, you will see how you free yourself from judgment.

Not accepting our wound, feeling guilty, ashamed or judging ourselves, is attracting circumstances and people that will make us feel that unaccepted wound. Accepting the wound does not mean that it is our preference to have it; it means that, as spiritual beings who choose to live the human experience to spiritualize matter, we allow ourselves to experience that wound without judgment and learn from the experience. As long as there is fear, there is wounding and there is a judgment or belief that blocks its healing. When we learn to accept our wounds we are developing love and we are spiritualizing matter.

Healing occurs fully when we accept ourselves. Forgiveness towards oneself is what finally heals us, and for that you have to accept that you yourself are responsible for everything that happens to you, and accept that you have accused others of doing what you yourself do to others. At the end of the day, we are all human, and accepting our limitations is what humbles us and allows us to discover our divine heritage.

The five most common wounds of the soul are: - Rejection - Abandonment - Humiliation - Betrayal - Injustice.

We do not necessarily have all five wounds. With humility and sincerity everyone can recognize their wounds. Recognizing our human limitation is the first step in the healing process. If it is difficult for us to identify our wounds, it is because we hide behind a mask, which was built to not see or feel that wound.

_Author: _ Lise Burbeau

Illustration by Ken Wong_.

I hope this information has been useful to you, and if you want to work on healing, feel free to get in contact. Thanks for reading and sharing.


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